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Zleder 21 Nov 2024 @ 12:15pm
Question about risk-taker achievement(pro codes)
i am finishing critical mode right now only 2 battles left(master xehanort and yozura), and i am going to do beginner to get the achievement,just a question for the data bosses on beginner:are they much easier than critical coz critical is hell i don't see any chance for me to beat them with those pro codes on, and also i am gonna farm stats boosts items,is it true that weapon and gears stats will not be nullified by the codes along with stats boosts items?
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Geo 21 Nov 2024 @ 8:15pm 
Diposting pertama kali oleh Zleder:
i am finishing critical mode right now only 2 battles left(master xehanort and yozura), and i am going to do beginner to get the achievement,just a question for the data bosses on beginner:are they much easier than critical coz critical is hell i don't see any chance for me to beat them with those pro codes on, and also i am gonna farm stats boosts items,is it true that weapon and gears stats will not be nullified by the codes along with stats boosts items?

beginner mode just means more health/mp boss deals x1.5 less damage takes x1.5 more damage critical is the opposite, wouldn't want to imagine DLC bosses on critical let alone with those codes unless ur a dark souls god and can counter everything they throw at you, then there is yozura ... this dude without codes on beginner mode is like dark souls on steroids, would just do beginner with pro codes, save u losing your sanity. :qlfrag:
Terakhir diedit oleh Geo; 21 Nov 2024 @ 8:17pm
Vallard 27 Nov 2024 @ 9:35am 
Beating yozura with pro codes requires a level of precision few people can muster. I'll give ya a link to someone doing it but dont try it unless you want to spend weeks memorizing his moves and the counters for them.

As the guy above said lower difficulties change his damage and health so he is technically easier on lower difficulties since he dies faster but how much damage he does doesnt matter if you can't react properly to his desperation move and chain combos. He still does several times more damage over these than sora can have health.

that link is a level 1 critical with all pro code on kill.
Geo 28 Nov 2024 @ 1:13pm 
Diposting pertama kali oleh Vallard:
Beating yozura with pro codes requires a level of precision few people can muster. I'll give ya a link to someone doing it but dont try it unless you want to spend weeks memorizing his moves and the counters for them.

As the guy above said lower difficulties change his damage and health so he is technically easier on lower difficulties since he dies faster but how much damage he does doesnt matter if you can't react properly to his desperation move and chain combos. He still does several times more damage over these than sora can have health.

that link is a level 1 critical with all pro code on kill.

got it .... memorised? that quote alone is pro codes in a nut shell, without farming any boosts with all the PRO codes set to on and lvl 99 i am struggling to beat any of the DLC bosses armored xenahort got him to around 5%hp twice but those metoers drove me to insanity had to stop, so big tip make sure and atleast farm defence boosts before saving over your slot with DLC save, otherwise your screwed like me... unless your like that dude in video that can lvl 1 block every attack in game and know every bosses counter attack patterns... the fact that dude took a pic in the middle of that fight was mind blowing, play beginner mode no codes you think what is this babyish game then you try critical and be like, uhhh wtf dark souls, BUT to have pro codes with critical and lvl 1 is just gigachad next level dark souls x10000.
Terakhir diedit oleh Geo; 28 Nov 2024 @ 1:19pm
Vallard 30 Nov 2024 @ 4:20pm 
Diposting pertama kali oleh Geo:
Diposting pertama kali oleh Vallard:
Beating yozura with pro codes requires a level of precision few people can muster. I'll give ya a link to someone doing it but dont try it unless you want to spend weeks memorizing his moves and the counters for them.

As the guy above said lower difficulties change his damage and health so he is technically easier on lower difficulties since he dies faster but how much damage he does doesnt matter if you can't react properly to his desperation move and chain combos. He still does several times more damage over these than sora can have health.

that link is a level 1 critical with all pro code on kill.

got it .... memorised? that quote alone is pro codes in a nut shell, without farming any boosts with all the PRO codes set to on and lvl 99 i am struggling to beat any of the DLC bosses armored xenahort got him to around 5%hp twice but those metoers drove me to insanity had to stop, so big tip make sure and atleast farm defence boosts before saving over your slot with DLC save, otherwise your screwed like me... unless your like that dude in video that can lvl 1 block every attack in game and know every bosses counter attack patterns... the fact that dude took a pic in the middle of that fight was mind blowing, play beginner mode no codes you think what is this babyish game then you try critical and be like, uhhh wtf dark souls, BUT to have pro codes with critical and lvl 1 is just gigachad next level dark souls x10000.
I feel like critical without procodes is the way the game is meant to be played. Blocking and dodging in KH3 actually feels amazing when you actually do it but in normal or beginner you can just spam magic and form changes and not worry about your health.
Geo 1 Des 2024 @ 12:08am 
Diposting pertama kali oleh Vallard:
Diposting pertama kali oleh Geo:

got it .... memorised? that quote alone is pro codes in a nut shell, without farming any boosts with all the PRO codes set to on and lvl 99 i am struggling to beat any of the DLC bosses armored xenahort got him to around 5%hp twice but those metoers drove me to insanity had to stop, so big tip make sure and atleast farm defence boosts before saving over your slot with DLC save, otherwise your screwed like me... unless your like that dude in video that can lvl 1 block every attack in game and know every bosses counter attack patterns... the fact that dude took a pic in the middle of that fight was mind blowing, play beginner mode no codes you think what is this babyish game then you try critical and be like, uhhh wtf dark souls, BUT to have pro codes with critical and lvl 1 is just gigachad next level dark souls x10000.
I feel like critical without procodes is the way the game is meant to be played. Blocking and dodging in KH3 actually feels amazing when you actually do it but in normal or beginner you can just spam magic and form changes and not worry about your health.

Yeh pretty much every boss is a cake walk apart from yoz dude at end lol spent a couple hours learning his patterns. Was like going from sonic to dark souls wasn't expecting that spike at end
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