Game does not start - probable cause but no solution yet
Hi, I got the GOG version, which should behave identical. Playing on a notebook with dual graphics - Intel HD 530 and NVidia GTX 970M.

Found 3 .exe in the main folder named Knightshift.exe (~ 60kb), Knightshift.ex1 and Knightshift.ex2 (each ~ 5400 kb). Renaming and starting them leads to the same result. The game seems to start and after a few seconds bach to desktop.

Changed the DER in the Windows setting, no change. Registry looks just fine. Setting compatibility modes didn't improve anything. so unfortunately none of the hints worked for me.

Found out, that config.exe and all Knightshift.exe run solely on the internal graphics. Despite setting NVIDIA for the exes in the NVIDIA setup program definitions, all programs still run only with the integrated graphics. Switching the notebook to only use NVIDIA graphics doesn't work, still internal graphics used. Disabling the internal intel HD 530 device resutls in the Knightshift config using a "microsoft graphics device", also not working with the game.

On an older ASUS notebook with only Nvidia GTX 260M the game identifies the graphics card and runs well (ok, 21 fps with 1440x900 and full detail)

So I think its the game's and config's unability to properly identify the dedicated graphics card, that leads to the problem.

If anybody has a hint or solution, please let me know.

Thank you
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13/3 megjegyzés mutatása
1. Run file "config" from the game folder as administrator, set default settings and run the test.
2. Run the game as admin, from the game folder, not steam
Yes, the game does not start at all.
With admin rights and WinXP compat, at least the config.exe starts. However, there first appears an error message "translateXML FileError".
After closing this erroro message, the config window starts, the buttons text always begins with "translate".
And the test always fails.
Co Ci będę gadał eredeti hozzászólása:
1. Run file "config" from the game folder as administrator, set default settings and run the test.
2. Run the game as admin, from the game folder, not steam

This worked for me thanks.
No compatibility modes or other stuff

Windows 10
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13/3 megjegyzés mutatása
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