

Ikagura 2023 年 8 月 27 日 上午 11:53
Was Sin & Punishment Star Successor using the same engine as this game
and Gradius V? The visuals are similar to me.
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RAWRmonger 2023 年 8 月 27 日 下午 3:45 
IDK, but it's not necessarily the engine, it's art direction and artists' touch/style that make them look similar. I get the same vibes. From Gradius V at least.
Ikagura 2023 年 8 月 27 日 下午 5:25 
引用自 RAWRmonger
IDK, but it's not necessarily the engine, it's art direction and artists' touch/style that make them look similar. I get the same vibes. From Gradius V at least.
I think it's been confirmed that GV uses the same engine (and some staff member such as G-Rev).

Maybe it's just me assuming but I noticed that the Ikaruga police font is also reused for the "Now Loading" text as well.
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