Oobaneko 20 May, 2024 @ 10:45pm
Will it have very wide options?
I mean, main and balanced game is what you like to see it, but how about add modes or options that will turn standard game into something crazy, like Supreme Commander with their masses of units?

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Showing 1-3 of 3 comments
Team Complex  [developer] 20 May, 2024 @ 11:52pm 
this could be a modality only-Fighters/Mechguns because modular ships take PC resources. With the standard game mode it's not possible, Era One is a resource consuming game, as most of the space RTS.
Oobaneko 21 May, 2024 @ 12:07am 
Originally posted by Team Complex:
this could be a modality only-Fighters/Mechguns because modular ships take PC resources. With the standard game mode it's not possible, Era One is a resource consuming game, as most of the space RTS.
No, I understand this.
I'm talking about "use on own risk" options. Also, will be options "No modulars" to have different expecience? Or having mothership type ship?
I guess, mode "one carrier" only would also spice up experience too.
It's just wishes on options and game modes in skirmish, I'm not saying it should hurt base mode and balance of the game.
People see Era One as actual HW3 by gameplay, so, I guess, these options for skirmish/multiplayer as addition will attract more people.
Last edited by Oobaneko; 21 May, 2024 @ 12:07am
Team Complex  [developer] 22 May, 2024 @ 12:16am 
the idea Is to let the player decide the rules, so matches are fully customizable, so maybe.
if you have some ideas feel free to post here.
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