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1/ please make the UI [hp bar, exp bar, icons on the map smaller. in my opinion, they are quiet big and the hp bar is also larger than normal as i see. in addition, if u can make the icon bar with the distance meter below it. it would be very helpful because i want to know how far the distance so i would choose which path/item i should focus first.
2/ as i am just little bit into the game, i am not far yet but i would love to see that if we can have a bigger map where we can team up with a group of ppl. so that we can fight the world boss?! not sure it is possible or not buti think that it is good to have some fun when i can team up with others to fight against big/bad ass bosses. i and my friends are more into pve... not pvp.
3/ should make it easier to forge items. some tiems i have to click twice to do it. not sure how to make iet clear yet. but i will come back to this later.
as for now i have only 3.
First of all, what is a 'Penchuga'? There should at least be a glossary of what is what (Bestiary, Equipments, Heroes, etc)
Secondly, if say, I went to Impossible difficulty and above, the kills dont get counted so I'm forced to go back to hard to complete it. Why? Why lock kill count at a specific difficulty? At least other games with similar quest/challenges allows you to complete it at higher difficulties and IMO thats how it should be.
I did complete the quest line BTW. Not really stuck but it is annoying nonetheless. I still dont know what a 'Penchuga' is. Its either one of those tree stump thingy or the mushroom monster you get after minute 20 in forest (Hard+).
1. This game need a glossary (info on items, heroes, enemies etc)
2: Kill count quest line should NOT be tied to a specific difficulty. It should be a specific difficulty OR ABOVE.
This is a nice game with a lot of potential, keep up the good work!
It would be nice though to be able to toggle pick-up icons on and off, they can obscure quite a bit of the screen, making it difficult to see incoming enemies and projectiles. Especially during boss fights as a lot of them get dropped outside of the border making it impossible to pick them up. This isn't helped by the fact that they get larger the closer they are, which is normally a nice feature.
Anyway, unfriendly. Insufficient explanation. Shouldn't there be a glossary and an item/monster catalog? Also, if there is a set of equipment, that should be clearly stated as well. Also, it is not fancy enough. It is a real shame that common and legendary equipment have the same attack appearance. This does not motivate me! If equipment is enhanced, please reflect that in the game.
Like longer attack range or more bullets. I'm not going to spend money just to get more attack power, okay? I also want random ability enhancements. Like faster feet, or being able to dig for gems in the field. ...... It's really hard for these slow characters. The game itself is fun, I just need a few more tweaks!
Good afternoon.
I would like to see the following changes.
1. In the Inventory and Forge, sort by Sets and Clothing. It is advisable to have separate buttons that allow you to leave only elements of some sets or just boots, for example, on the page.
2. During the battle, when you press pause, the character's status is more complete. Health, chance of dodging, and so on. BUT it would be much more interesting to see information on skills. Now it is incomplete. For example, a skill that gives +1 to the number of shells, regardless of leveling, writes +1 projectile, although with maximum leveling it should write +2. For damaging skills, full statistics, damage, number of shells, rollback. And taking into account modifiers. Those. how much damage a specific skill produces at the moment, taking into account the equipped weapon, the hero’s passives and the passive skills taken by the hero.
Thank you.
Добрый день.
Хотелось бы увидеть следующие изменения.
1. в Инвентаре и Кузнице сортировку по Сетам и Предметам одежды. Желательно отдельные кнопки позволяющие на странице оставить только элементы каких то сетов или только ботинки, например.
2. Во время битвы, при нажатии паузы, более полный статус персонажа. Здоровье, вероятность уворота и так далее. НО намного интересней было бы увидеть информацию по скилам. Сейчас она неполная. Например скилл дающий +1 к количеству снарядов независимо от прокачки пишет +1 снаряд, хотя при максимальной прокачке должен писать +2. По дамажащим скилам полную статистику, урон, количество снарядов, откат. Причем с учетом модификаторов. Т.е. сколько дамага выдает конкретный скилл в данный момент с учетом надетого оружия, пасивок героя и пассивных скилов взятых героем.
1. Get people to check consistency of terms. There are a number of situations where the skill listed in the townhall (i.e. "Land Measurer") has a different label in game(in this case, "Land Surveyor"). Consistency makes the game less confusing.
2. A glossary of terms. Too much of the game is based on icons that take time and effort to interpret because there is no list of what the symbols mean.
3. An actual tutorial or list of skills, especially what is meant by "combo", as at first I thought that meant the passive skill only worked on that one active skill.
On a personal note, the ludicrously low chance of getting something worthwhile from portals doesn't inspire me to buy more crystals for the portals. It makes me want to drop the game entirely. I'm not at that point yet, but expect to reach it soon. Better odds might get people to be more willing to invest their money in them, giving you a better return on investment, but I'm sure your marketing team insists on the opposite.
- holy aura is underpowered:
1) it has least passive bonuses synergy
2) it`s evo version is pretty much useless if another aoe skill is picked due scoring almost no kills
3) it`s lvlups have least dmg upgrades, which makes it useless on 2nd mob because unless lvl7 it will not 1hit it
- jester`s AOE skill issue: seems like it shares it`s random chance table/chance roll with something else, because unless there is massive EXP pickup in very short time (magnet or killing running horde) it will not trigger (had match with 20m w/o explosion), But on mass pickup had even 4 in a row
-long palms and alike trees should be passable under it`s 2nd upper half
-"hugging" dmg - there is no CD for dmg on contact, so 1 mob when you get stuck on enviromental things will kill you in couple of seconds. Under hourglasses you pretty much can do same kind of annihilation-grade dmg to boss
- mushroom map 1st boss needs it`s range reduced by 15% or more. Unless character already moves from the boss when attack is charger and/or has 5 stacks of speed passive - skill becomes unavoidable