US Nether PvP 24/7 server up - Retro Gamers Refuge
Hi all,
In the last couple weeks I've been working on getting a Nether PvP server set up and configured, and best I can tell it's ready to go now.

it's in USA (Texas) - look for

US/TX - Retro Gamers Refuge PvP (ShopMods)

in the server browser. It's on a server in a data center and with setup/tweeking nearly complete now, the aim is for it to be a 24/7 server. Daily reboot at 4am US Central time.

ShopMods meaning, on our server the prices for just about every thing are lower, especially the ridiculously high prices on all the cosmetic items and large capacity backpacks. (which I suspect they did on purpose to "encourage" people to spend real money buying game coin) On the guns, the prices are still kinda up there because you can craft your own weaps if you'll just get out there and play the game and search for loot. But if you want to just BUY a firearm, they're all available for sale in the Global Inventory shops in all the safe zones. Also, if you sell an item at Global Inventory you will be paid half of the buy price for it. For example, the CRU (M14) rifle is $2500 to buy but if you want to sell one you'll get $1250. (Beats the dog doodoo out of getting $20 for it).

Come check it out. Not a lot of play on it right now but it runs well. Would be great to get some regular players going.

We have servers for other classic shooter games too - CounterStrike:Source (classic/regular play and deathmatch servers, some servers with custom maps too), TF2, Left 4 Dead 1 and 2, and Unreal Tournament 2004. Check out our Retro Gamers Refuge steam group for more details.

There are other servers out there too that have been around longer and/or more recently. I just didn't see any that I was sure were US servers at the time. It has been a long time for me but I used to run one on our home setup.
Last edited by BottleRocketHoodlum; 1 Jan @ 6:55am
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[Fish] 2 Jan @ 6:19am 
Always good to have options, thanks for hosting a server ❤️
It's a great game. Just wanna do my part to try to help keep it going. Thanks to all the others running servers for Nether too.
Dang this was such a heartwarming thing to come across while going down memory lane.
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