Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator

Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator

Guys lets group and have some fun
so i started a group so people can find a crew faster. please let me know if you would like an invite. :)
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665 yorumdan 1 ile 15 arası gösteriliyor
I would like an invite. Thanks!
Ok, Man sure thing :D
En son Asha tarafından düzenlendi; 19 Eyl 2013 @ 15:21
Me to if you don't mind mine accent :)
sure thing!!
I'd like to give it a shot.
I just added a voice server dedicated to Artemis players at, feel free to join and lets start an awesome community!!!
this is great sign me up
I'd like an invite too.
A good place to find pug games for Artemis is the Steam Community chat, found at the top of the community page.
ya ill play if u invite me my group is artemis crew
Sure, throw me an invite.
Go ahead and invite me as well! The more groups there are, the better the chance someone finds one and can get a game in! Also, Wizard, as far as I know, it sounds like your voice server is sounding like a go (about our conversation last night), but havent ♥♥♥♥♥♥ the final descision yet. Everyone seems really excited about it!
Throw an invite my way!
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665 yorumdan 1 ile 15 arası gösteriliyor
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