Cook, Serve, Delicious!

Cook, Serve, Delicious!

 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
chubigans  [developer] 26 Sep, 2013 @ 12:23pm
Info regarding keys for previous owners, and save transfer
Steam keys are now available to claim if you have purchased a PC, Mac or Linux version of the game! Below is how to receive your key, as well as instructions on transferring your save over.

Humble Store

You will need to visit the Download page for your account. To do so, either use the link provided in the email you received when purchasing CSD or go directly to your account login (Log In via and click "Cook, Serve, Delicious!" in your Library page. There will be a green link on top of the page that says, "Click here for your Steam Key."


If you've purchased CSD, CSD for Mac or the Vertigo Gaming Bundle via, then simply sign in at Gamers Gate and go to "My Shelf > Cook, Serve Delicious!" or the VG Bundle if you've purchased that. On the right hand side of that page is a Download button, and the Steam Key should be directly below.


You will need to visit the Collections page[] while logged in (be sure you're using the Desura client, and not through a web browser). Click on Cook, Serve, Delicious! There are two builds- one of those builds will say you need to purchase the game to get the key. Ignore that; there should be a blank text box with Steam- Get Key. Click that button and you'll get the key.

BMT Micro (via

If you've purchased Cook, Serve, Delicious any time before 6/5/2013, then you automatically have a Humble Store account with your Steam key! You will need to login or create an account at Humble Bundle using the same email that you purchased the game with at BMT Micro[].

If you do not have those credentials or purchased the game after that date, then you'll need to contact me[] with your email or name used to buy the game on BMT Micro.

Note: there are some errors with users who got the Combo from BMT micro that didn't get a Humble Account or Steam key. Just contact me above to get your key if it doesn't work for you.

Shiny Loot,, Ubuntu Store, Mac App Store and MacGameStore

I will need to manually confirm purchases and issue keys if you've bought the game from any of these stores. Contact me[] with your order or invoice number, and the date of purchase. Please allow up to 3 business days for your key; I will try to get it to you as quickly as possible.

Transferring saves to the Steam version

Your saves are located in the DATA_otherfiles folder for PC (under Ndata1file.ini through Ndata6file.ini) and in Application Support for Mac or the app itself, depending where you bought the game. Make backup copies of these files before attempting to move them over to the Steam version.

Run the Steam version of CSD, start a new game, then skip the tutorial and Save & Quit on the main menu. You will now have a new save directory.

For PC, you'll find it under Users>(your username)>AppData>Local>CSDSteamBuild. You will need Hidden Files to be displayed to see these directories. Place your save files in the CSDSteamBuild folder.

For Mac, launch Finder and click Go>Go To Folder... and type in ~/Library/Application Support. The directory is CSDSteamMac. Place your save files in there.

Note: if your save files are named data1file.ini, you will need to place an N in front so that it reads Ndata1file.ini, otherwise it will not be read by the game!

Once you place your save file in the folder, you will need to run the game, start up your save, and then save and quit to active the Steam Cloud support.

Also note:

Originally posted by AlceX:
Here's a tip I think OP should add to the "Transferring saves to the Steam version" section: if after copying your save over and launching the game you can't find your save at the main menu, you'll have to exit the game, disable Steam Cloud for this game, copy your save over again, and then when you launch the game you'll find your save. I got quite a headache over this.

Let me know if you need any further assistance in transferring saves over!
Last edited by chubigans; 14 Sep, 2015 @ 1:10pm
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Showing 1-15 of 34 comments
Speedwerd 26 Sep, 2013 @ 1:46pm 
Cool, thanks for the heads up, can't wait to get my key from the Humble Store and congrats on getting on stream again :B1:
Evan 26 Sep, 2013 @ 7:27pm 
Just curious, how many end game raids are there? Will there be PvP?
Wok 27 Sep, 2013 @ 1:10am 
Alexspeed 27 Sep, 2013 @ 8:55am 
Thats how steam key distribution should be handled, as a well thought out part of the release.
Other companies can look at this as an example how to do it.

Thank you Devs! :heart:
Motoki 27 Sep, 2013 @ 12:44pm 
Originally posted by Alexspeed:
Thats how steam key distribution should be handled, as a well thought out part of the release.
Other companies can look at this as an example how to do it.

Thank you Devs! :heart:

Hear hear! Chubigans for President! :B1:
Wintermute 28 Sep, 2013 @ 10:06am 
Grabbing the game via the humblestore, mo money for the devs
Wokisan 29 Sep, 2013 @ 6:24am 
Awesome! Thanks and congrats on getting onto Steam so more peeps can enjoy the Cook, Serve, Deliciousness. ;-)
code3 29 Sep, 2013 @ 5:59pm 
Thank you devs! Also bought this on the humble store and can't wait for the steam key!
Skaery 30 Sep, 2013 @ 1:38pm 
Originally posted by code3:
Thank you devs! Also bought this on the humble store and can't wait for the steam key!
Did the same seeing how you interact with your community :tokitori:
mark | dj. 1 Oct, 2013 @ 11:39pm 
Found mine on Humble Bundle already. Thanks :D
chubigans  [developer] 2 Oct, 2013 @ 11:27am 
Keys are live! I've updated the first post on how to get your key. Let me know if you have any questions!
Motoki 3 Oct, 2013 @ 1:29pm 
Originally posted by Inky:
Anyone have any luck getting their Steam key from Desura? I keep getting this[] error.

I got that when I tried from the web however when I navigated there from the Desura client I was able to get the key.
Alexspeed 3 Oct, 2013 @ 1:40pm 
Got mine from the Humble store, thx :hee:
Noogy 4 Oct, 2013 @ 11:36pm 
Originally posted by chubigans:
Keys are live! I've updated the first post on how to get your key. Let me know if you have any questions!

I've a question. How awesome does it feel to be on Steam :) Congrats man!
Laini 6 Oct, 2013 @ 6:48am 
Awesome, got my key from Humble. Really looking forward to jumping back in, only got to 2 stars previously.
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