Cook, Serve, Delicious!

Cook, Serve, Delicious!

 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
chubigans  [developer] 22 Jun, 2015 @ 9:28pm
Controller Issues Help Center
Hey folks! I've decided to create this megathread so that I can help everyone as best I can when it comes to controller stuff. Here are the current state of controllers supported by each OS/Platform, with more detailed information below.

NOTE: If you're having Steam Controller issues, please take a look at this helpful guide by Valve that details some of the more known issues and how to fix them.


Xbox 360 Controller: Supported
Xbox One Controller: Supported
DualShock 4 Controller: Supported with third party drivers, such as
Wii U Controller: Supported with MayFlash USB Adapter, switched to XINPUT mode.
Generic Controller: Supported when emulated as a 360 controller in most cases.


Xbox 360 Controller: Supported
Xbox One Controller: While not officially supported, you can get it to work by using some in-development drivers. This one works with CSD:
DualShock 4: Known issues with OSX 10.9+. See details below this list.
Wii U Controller: Supported with MayFlash USB Adapter, switched to XINPUT mode.
Generic Controller: In most cases unless the controller can be emulated as a 360 controller, it will not be supported on Mac.


Xbox 360 Controller: Supported
All other controllers: Most need drivers or special commands for them to work in any game on Steam. For troubleshooting, feel free to post in this topic.

Running DualShock 4 on a Mac

Some users have had issues playing Cook, Serve, Delicious with a DualShock 4 on a Mac running anything above 10.9 OSX.

While it has definitely worked in previous versions of the game, the upgraded OSX builds and changes with how code is exported via the engine we use, Game Maker Studio, has caused incompatibility at some point. So now the DS4's input is not being received in the Mac build of the game.

This may be the reason why YoYo Games has temporarily removed all gamepad support for Mac in newer builds of GM Studio due to the change in controller libraries. Right now I'm running an older version of GM so that any patches won't interrupt controller support. However, it seems DS4 support will have to be re-added at a later time, if GMStudio corrects the problem.

I've tried multiple third party drivers but I haven't had any luck in getting a DualShock 4 to run on Yosemite for Mac. So unfortunately a fix is a ways off, and may not be possible as it's completely dependent on GM Studio and Apple to get a solution. I sincerely apologize and if you're affected by this, please contact me and I will give you two Steam keys for CSD to give away to friends, even if you have already requested a refund. (contact me here with your Steam username: )

Thank you and if you need any help running a controller, please post here with the OS you're running (Windows 8/ Mac 10.9/ Ubuntu/ etc.) and the exact controller you're trying to use.
Last edited by chubigans; 28 Mar, 2016 @ 9:17am
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Showing 1-15 of 96 comments
Mr. Brewski 24 Jun, 2015 @ 12:25am 
Hi, trying to run on Ubuntu 14.04.2 with wireless genuine xbox 360 controllers and genuine receiver. Currently no response on any button presses. I'll install on my Windows partition in the meanwhile and see how that goes.
xjgege 28 Jun, 2015 @ 12:23pm 
Running a Mac with Yosemite, trying to use an Xbox One controller. Tried the driver suggested as well as another and 99% of button presses aren't registered. Any ideas?
chubigans  [developer] 29 Jun, 2015 @ 8:42am 
Originally posted by Mr. Brewski:
Hi, trying to run on Ubuntu 14.04.2 with wireless genuine xbox 360 controllers and genuine receiver. Currently no response on any button presses. I'll install on my Windows partition in the meanwhile and see how that goes.
I've been trying to find some information regarding Linux but 360 should definitely work, odd that it isn't. Definitely let me know if the Windows partition works if possible!

Originally posted by xjgege:
Running a Mac with Yosemite, trying to use an Xbox One controller. Tried the driver suggested as well as another and 99% of button presses aren't registered. Any ideas?
The FranticRain driver posted above doesn't work? It seems to work with my Yosemite build, what buttons aren't registering?
xjgege 29 Jun, 2015 @ 3:39pm 
Nearly all of them, only the bumper buttons work, and even then only on select screens. When I pull up the preferences menu it shows the buttons as registering, and the game definitely recognizes that I have a gamepad plugged in, so I'm not sure where the disconnect is.
chubigans  [developer] 29 Jun, 2015 @ 9:22pm 
Boy that is strange that it isn't recognizing the buttons. Unfortunately since the XB1 controller isn't officially supported by OSX it's hard to get a bead on what could be wrong. I'll see if I can't find more drivers that might work.
Mr. Brewski 30 Jun, 2015 @ 3:33am 
Originally posted by chubigans:
Originally posted by Mr. Brewski:
Hi, trying to run on Ubuntu 14.04.2 with wireless genuine xbox 360 controllers and genuine receiver. Currently no response on any button presses. I'll install on my Windows partition in the meanwhile and see how that goes.
I've been trying to find some information regarding Linux but 360 should definitely work, odd that it isn't. Definitely let me know if the Windows partition works if possible!

Windows 7 works without a problem. Thanks for replying, great game btw!
My wireless controller randomly stopped being recognized by CSD last night. It works in Steam Big Picture, all other games, but I load CSD and it refuses to acknowledge that I have a wireless Logitech gamepad...

UNLESS, I go into local co-op. Then, it will recognize it as a second controller. But, nothing seems to be able to convince it to let me play with it as the primary controller.

Any thoughts?
chubigans  [developer] 6 Jul, 2015 @ 1:03pm 
What controller are you using Tiberius? Also what OS are you running? Thanks!
Windows 7, Logitech F710
chubigans  [developer] 8 Jul, 2015 @ 9:26am 
Yeah there can be a problem with some "generic" controllers that use DINPUT as the standard. Do you just plug it in to play or do you use a third party driver? You might need to emulate it as an Xbox 360 controller.
I have a wired controller that I have been using. It's just frustrating that the Logitech drivers aren't being recognized unless I'm in Co-Op mode. Then, it's perfectly happy to accept my button presses and acknowledge the controller. Before I played Co-Op mode the first time, it actually had no problems whatsoever recognizing the 710. As soon as it found out there was a wired controller, though, it decided not to accept the other (except in Co-Op). Very strange.
chubigans  [developer] 9 Jul, 2015 @ 3:02pm 
It might be that both controllers are trying to signal that they're player 1, instead of having player 1 and player 2 controllers. That's the only thing I can think of that would create such a strange issue.
It does it even with the wired controller unplugged now. It's strange. Just figured I'd report it and hopefully it won't be a bug in CSD2.
chubigans  [developer] 9 Jul, 2015 @ 9:27pm 
I'm redoing the way controllers are implemented/coded in CSD 2 so it definitely shouldn't be an issue next time. Thanks for the report!
Last edited by chubigans; 9 Jul, 2015 @ 9:27pm
xzero 1 Aug, 2015 @ 4:20am 
OS : Windows 10
Gamepad : wired Generic gamepad like PS gamepad
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