Take On Mars

Take On Mars

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MaxC. 30/dez./2017 às 14:22
Can't start game, crashes immediately: X3DAudio1_6.dll was not found
Tried all the 3 launch options (Play, dev, launcher), none works.

For a few seconds Steam shows me in-game and then I'm marked as being regular online.

I manually located TKOM.exe and started it, I get this:

> The code execution cannot proceed because X3DAudio1_6.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix the problem.

I did:
- verify game content (nothing was downloaded)
- uninstalled the game via steam and re-installed it

All still the same error.
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MaxC. 30/dez./2017 às 14:31 
Holy shiť, I was just able to fix it.

Almost gave up because I didn't write here until I (thought I) exhausted all options.

- google for the problem led me to https://www.dll-files.com/x3daudio1_6.dll.html
- of course I'm not stupid and don't download some random dll
- HOWEVER they link to Microsft DirectX web download => http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=35
- lo' and behold: download, installed => works!

It felt strange having to manually download DirectX related stuff, but whatever.

I also found some DirectX related "redist" files in "Take On Mars\_CommonRedist\DirectX\Jun2010" and located some files having X3DAudio in their name, e.g. "Feb2010_X3DAudio_x64.cab", but couldn't figure out what to do with them (double click just opened them like a ZIP file, extracting the information and fooling around didn't yield anything).
Última edição por MaxC.; 30/dez./2017 às 14:33
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Publicado em: 30/dez./2017 às 14:22
Mensagens: 1