Take On Mars

Take On Mars

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MMRTG Question
I noticed that after being built the MMRTG wattage is 305W, I am playing 1:1 and not even through one night its dropped to 296W. Is that normal behavior? Is it supposed to simulate isotope decay? If so at 1:1 that rate of decay is way too fast.
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Yes I agree... the rate of decay is quick... leaning more to arcade than realism, to achieve a balanced gameplay experience

I build multiple MMRTG to alleviate the low power stress... I share your frustration Faithlight

You can try SolarPower too... is less expensive to build but also less reliable... the panels do not track the sun, so I often lay them on their side facing the sun to achieve greater charge rate.

I most often use 1:24 rate in Multiplayer - Choose Competitive or Cooperative... the food and water demands are greater, and your day much shorter, but the charge rates for your power units seem to be a little more tolerable
Yeah but panel maintenance is insane, moving, cleaning cabling. ♥♥♥♥ that
Search the Workshop for 'no solar dust' and you will find 'Clean Solars' that cleans the dust off solar panels automatically and, if you want, the one I did that boosts the power output and cleans the dust. The one I did includes Mr.Monochrome's 'Clean Solars'. With permission of course.
It seems a bit late to respond to this, but the MMRTG does not decay. A quick inspection of the underlying script shows that power output is based on temperature. As the surrounding area warms up, the power output goes down (and vice versa). It would produce 340W at 0 Kelvin (-273.15C) or 0W at 693.15K (420C). Thermal Generators on rovers are even simpler. They produce a constant output that is reduced by the percentage of damage it has sustained. On the solar side, I would suggest riotintheair's "Solar Cleaning by Electrostatic Repulsion" as a slightly more realistic option, but the Clean Solars mentioned by bladerunner97 remove the problem entirely.
Yes, MMRTG work on temperature gradient. That means the difference between the temperature of the core, which i believe is constant somewhere around 500-600c and the surroundings, which vary. My MMRTG usually hovers around 300w, mostly just under. No decay. The letter MM stand for multi-mission, indicating a very long duration. (tens of years)
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