Cyber Manhunt 2: New World - The Hacking Simulator

Cyber Manhunt 2: New World - The Hacking Simulator

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可能剧透 SPOILERS!!!!!!! (maybe)
关于第一部中活下来的cody(或者说是Sean)和dora的内容除了 某一章能找到的一篇暗示活下来的是sean并且他依旧虐待dora的报道外还有其他的吗
Is there anything else about Cody (or Sean) and Dora who survived in CyberManhunt 1, except for one of the reports that can be found in a chapter suggesting that Sean survived and that he was still abusing Dora
Последно редактиран от 枫落声轻; 22 ян. в 8:00