Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag

Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag

 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Ubi Milky  [developer] 5 Dec, 2020 @ 5:09pm
Forum Rules
These forums are for our players to discuss our game with other players of the game and for anyone seeking assistance. We ask that all posts are civil, respectful and constructive. This ensures all players can enjoy themselves here and benefit from these discussions.

To this end, there are specific forum rules covering the sort of behaviour that is and isn’t acceptable. While the general guideline of “Treat others as you would wish to be treated” applies, all visitors must also abide by these rules. If you do not do so, your post may be moved, locked or deleted, and may also result in a temporary or permanent ban from the forum.

Our Forum rules cover the following -
  • Online Safety
  • Inappropriate Content
  • Flaming/Trolling
  • Naming & Shaming
  • Spamming/Bumping
  • Stay on Topic
  • Language
  • Reporting Posts or Profiles
  • External Content
  • Moderation and Enforcement of the Rules

Online Safety

You should not give out personal contact details, including real name, phone number, email or home address on this forum. Posts here are public and this information will be available to view by anyone, as such for your own safety please keep refrain from posting this information here.

If you require assistance with account issues, you should Speak with the Support Team through the site here []

Inappropriate Content

Posts containing; profanity, obscenity, insults, personal attacks, accusations or abusive language may be deleted and this will result in a warning or, in severe or persistent cases, a ban from the forum.

This forum also uses a language filter to remove words that are considered inappropriate for use here. Such words will be replaced with Hearts. Working around this swear filter in any way, including using asterisks or acronyms, is still considered swearing and therefore not permitted.

Racial, religious or sexual slurs are likely to result in immediate banning. Discussion of software piracy in any of its forms is strictly not allowed on these boards. “Piracy” includes links to illegal downloads of games or methods by which to circumvent copy protection mechanisms.


This includes any kind of personal insult, flame or intimidation. Responding in kind to a flame message is viewed as equally unacceptable, regardless of who started it. If you believe you are being insulted or otherwise flamed by another poster, please Report the post and it will be dealt with. This applies to both written text and image posting.

Posts of this nature will be removed and if persistent can lead to a forum ban.

There is no need to turn disagreements into heated arguments. Rather than letting these threads become flame wars please agree to disagree.

Naming & Shaming

As it is not possible for us to edit a thread to remove names, we will remove any thread that calls out a player by name or provides video footage or screenshots that specifically target a player.

This is not to hide or protect a cheater or toxic player, but simply to avoid false reports, witch-hunts or targeted attacks on potentially innocent players.

We are in no way doubting or implying that specific reports are incorrect. This is a blanket rule and will be enforced regardless of the legitimacy of the report.

If you wish to report a player, please do so through the In-Game Scoreboard or through the Support Site here[]


Repeatedly posting the same post or topic is considered spamming. It can obscure other users posts and will not cause you to receive a response faster.

Such posts will be locked, edited or removed. Intentional off topic or nonsense posting is also considered spam and will receive the same treatment, especially if this takes an existing thread off topic.

Please refrain from making multiple posts in your thread, If you think of something else you want to add to the thread, please use the Edit button. Making multiple posts in a row makes your post harder to read.

Stay on topic

Please make sure your post is going in the correct forum. We have specific forums for each game, some of them with their own Off Topic area or Community Help section. Threads that are off topic, or become so, may be moved or locked.


While users are welcome to post in their native language here, our Support Staff are only able to provide you with assistance in English at the moment in these particular forums. We may ask you to provide an English translation, but if you are not comfortable post in English you can also speak with the Support Team through the site here, where an agent will reply to you in your own language []

Reporting Posts or Players

If you see a post, profile or avatar that you dislike, rather than calling the user out we would ask you to report them via the steps below. This will allow ourselves or the Steam support to take action against the user, without any risk of yourself being punished for retaliatory comments:

External Content/Links

Anything linked to from these forums must follow by the same rules as any content directly posted here. This includes signature images, links and images.

Moderation and Enforcement of the Rules

These are not a topic for public discussion and all decisions are at the discretion of the Support Staff.

Flaming Support Staff or their actions (this includes telling them how to moderate) is no more acceptable than insulting a regular user. It will result in your posts/threads being removed and/or your posting rights being revoked.

We understand that it can be frustrating to have your posts removed, but all moderation is done to ensure the health of the forum.