Countless Army

Countless Army

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General feedback
Just finished kingdom #4. Been a fun game so far and don't see this style often. Has a pretty good spread on unit selection to.

Unlocks could really use a way to reset them/switch between the two options. Couple of them I grabbed one option and then realized I didn't like it after using it. On a similar note the upgrades could use more information on them, right now I'm debating between the observer's two upgrades, longer duration or range, and not sure which I'd rather have since it really comes down to how much of either you get.

Easy for things to get covered up by cards on the bottom of the screen and path indicators on the left. Fairly regularly I get surprised by a defense I couldn't see.

Resource generation is frustrating, mainly the first zone's resource. As you unlock new units you want to try them out but upgrading them takes to much of the first resource so you pass time and half the territories flip. Redoing the same couple levels 5 or 6 times in a row to upgrade a unit is not fun, especially when that level is 3 whole zones behind you.

AoE defenses seem a bit strong. They should be countered by things like the Knights that are high health low count but still do massive damage to them. Maybe give the knight AoE damage reduction as its ability since it has none? It really feels like the knight becomes kinda pointless once the mass is unlocked and this would still give it some utility.

As far as I can tell theres no way to see unit stats if that unit doesn't allow you to upgrade that stat. For instance I can't see the Emaciated's speed stat. Would be nice if they were listed and just marked as not upgradeable.
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I'm happy that you're enjoying Countless Army!

Thank you a lot for sharing your experience, as a developer it helps me a lot to know which things I can improve.

About the skill tree: you aren't the first to tell me about a reset button, it is a good idea. I'll work for a next update to add a button so you can reset it.

The cards and true it can happen, and if it is possible, I'll make the maps a little bit bigger or I'll move the defenses so they can't be covered. For the time being you can press the "C" button and it will set a camera mode without the UI so you can watch the map without problem(I know I should've commented what the C letter makes, my fault here).

The rebellions of previous zones is something that bothers some other people too, for the next update I'm planning to do them less frequently. And even if you get 3 stars(the golden skull) this doesn't rebel or they do it on very few occasions(I'm still thinking how to balance it right).

About the updates: yeah, you are right, I'll try to add in the next update the stats that can't be upgraded to know how they are.

Thank you a lot again to share all of this, it helps a LOT!
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1 yorumdan 1 ile 1 arası gösteriliyor
Sayfa başına: 1530 50

Gönderilme Tarihi: 20 Eyl @ 10:45
İleti: 1