Wasteland 2

Wasteland 2

camuss111 2024 年 5 月 21 日 上午 9:56
For Those Suffering Pod Infection AFTER Curing the Ag Center: Easy and simple instructions and workaround
So, basically - I've played this game about 10 times or more on the playstation 4 and have found this part to be far less problematic - I can't tell if it's because the shooting controls are more my speed or what - but I figured I'd just bring this back up for those trying to enjoy the absolute Hardcore game (Supreme Jerk) as you should be fine on anything lower than this. Since the last post was a while ago, I figured the 2020s might need one too.

So, this game saves files directly into your documents folder it would seem (may vary from PC to PC) but for our purposes, let's assume it is the same with yours as on mine.

So, open the DOCUMENTS folder, and inside find MY GAMES, from that menu you should see a list. Now open WASTELAND2DC, and find your SAVE GAMES. From there, right click on the save game you have been using and open it in word pad. If it looks crazy, then using word wrap worked out for me.

Now, simply use the finder in the VIEW section of Word pad, seek out AG CENTER SERUM (there should only be a few instances on the whole page) you are looking for one that has 4 INVENTORY GRID comments above it (see below) , then simply change the QUANTITY to the desired amount. (Note, this part is easier if you seek out the name of the character you have the Serum on, it should be in their inventory after a few pieces of the code for their appearance and equipment. You could also set the serum as the first slot on that character to find it too)

I usually change the quantity to about 20, just in case they get infected by the three places you have to go. Of note is that the serum has no sell value, so keep that in mind too. You can also do this with ammo, items, and things that have a stack value (cowsh** for example) but not weapons, it won't give you more, just cause their weight to be added to your character. However, that's called cheating - so use it wisely. After you're done, save the document, I would keep it open just in case something goes awry.

XML in Wordpad:

<inventoryGridY>1</inventoryGridY></item><item><resourceName>Ag Center Serum</resourceName><ammoResourceName></ammoResourceName><slot>-1</slot><ammoCount>-1</ammoCount><firingModeIndex>0</firingModeIndex><isJammed>False</isJammed><quantity>21</quantity><junk>False</junk><fav>False</fav><isOriginalProperty>False</isOriginalProperty><

God, how I wish steam would let you post actual pics and not their links.

Anyway, hope this helps anyone struggling with this section. I generally don't - but as this, 2024, is my first computer foray into one of my favorite games - I thought there might be those in need!
