Wasteland 2

Wasteland 2

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I REALLY want to like this game but I'm used to games like dragon age where I can pause to plan my next move. Somebody help please
< >
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You don't have to make your next move instantly...
I've played Dragon Age, and don't even understand your issue.

If you want to pre-place characters to engage the enemy (planning an ambush, or setting up your chars in cover)- then press spacebar, place all your chars in cover, then use a sniper to start the encounter. That's the extent of any planning I do and I think the game pauses anyway when you open the inventory screen.
I don't think the game pauses when opening the inventory screen, but it will when you hit 'Esc' to open the save/load/options menu.
What salty peanuts said. The game does not pause the moment you see an enemy, like many classic RPGs - it is paused when you actually start encounter by either shooting at an enemy or coming too close so enemy spots you and attacks first
Okay I get it now. I guess I'm just annoyed that I can't pause and position before combat
in regards to your steam name do you go for blending?
Never <3
Long live the ginger!
Place your longest ranged weapons first. The closer you get to the enemy the more likely you are to be spotted and initiate combat, so try to stay behind objects and crouched, and move your characters in order of snipers, then assault, then shotguns, then melee.

If you crouch your people, stay behind cover and move your people in that order then you can get any melee folks right up to a square or two from the bad guys before they see you and everyone is in position.
I normally use my sniper to walk/lead. Also, if I spot something I hit Crouch (; on PC) to stop them walking and then snipe one of the bad guys or monsters.
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