Wasteland 2

Wasteland 2

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Mattonomicon  [desenvolvedor(a)] 5/ago./2022 às 13:22
Wasteland 2 Known Issues
Though we strove to make Wasteland 2 as bug-free for release as possible for release, as a PC game, Wasteland 2 can sometimes experience crashes and other issues depending on your system configuration. In this thread you'll find several known issues and work-arounds for them, as well as troubleshooting steps to help get you up and running again.

If the information below does not help you, or you would like hands-on assistance for a crash or related issue, please contact us via email at support@inxile.net or using our customer support form: http://www.inxile-entertainment.com/support

Incompatible saves/characters

Exported characters and save files from the beta/early access version of the game are not officially considered compatible with the release version. It is extremely likely that if you experience significant/frequent issues, crashes, etc. and previously played the beta, your old save files are causing problems.

Simply delete the old saves and exported characters, and start a new game from scratch.

No save games listed/new saves won't appear in menu

To save time in checking large numbers of save files, Wasteland 2 uses a "table of contents" file, TOC.txt. If it becomes corrupt or out of date (such as if you move save files in/out of the save folder outside the game itself), your save files many "disappear" from the menu or you won't see new ones being listed there. Deleting the TOC.txt file will resolve this.

  • Go to your save folder: on Windows, \Documents\My Games\Wasteland2\Save Games
  • Look for TOC.txt and delete it

When you restart the game, it will re-create a new version of TOC.txt that is up to date, and your saves will reappear.

Editing save files, mods, etc.

Mods and save editing are something we are absolutely happy to let players do - play the game your way and have fun! However, we must stress that if you edit save files or use mods and run into a problem, we may not be able to provide assistance. Editing save files and using mods can and may very likely break something, somewhere in the game for you.

Unfortunately we cannot account for any such unofficial changes to the game; therefore if you need to contact us about an issue, please disclose any and all mods, third-party programs or save edits you are using in your report, and be absolutely sure to verify that the problem still exists if you remove these mods or revert to old, unedited saves.

General crashes

There are a number of solutions and troubleshooting steps to resolving crashes. See below for a summary of general troubleshooting for your system as well as more Wasteland 2-specific information. Most known crash issues are a result of system-specific hardware or software issues; if you have crashes playing Wasteland 2 and are not helped by what's shown below, it's very likely you have more general system issues.

1. Corrupt game files

The majority of crashes we see are down to corrupt/damaged installations . There are a couple ways you can verify your game installation is corrupt or damaged in some way.

On Steam, you can do this by verifying your game cache files: https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=2037-QEUH-3335

On GOG.com, you can use the "Check file integrity" option in the Wasteland 2 installer file before reinstalling the game.

Other game stores and services might have their own methods of verifying that your game installation is intact. Please contact your store's support team or knowledge base for more specific advice if you aren't using Steam or GOG.com.

2. Out of memory crashes

One of the most common crashes we see are out of memory crashes, where the game crashes due to it not being able to allocate enough RAM (memory) to store all its files. Because of the 3 GB barrier[en.wikipedia.org], and Wasteland 2's need for 2+ GB of RAM on higher settings, our minimum and recommended system requirements include 4 GB of RAM, and we also highly recommend you use a 64-bit operating system for an ideal experience.

Some suggestions that many help include:

  • Close background programs you are not using while playing the game.
  • Turn-down in-game graphics options, especially the Texture Size option.
  • Run the game in a window or lower your screen resolution.

3. Resetting game settings (Windows)

Clearing the Windows registry of existing/old settings may resolve issues, especially if you played the beta or Early Access version of Wasteland 2 and resumed playing on the most recent version.

  • Type "regedit" in your Start search field and press Enter, or go to Run -> regedit.exe
  • Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER, then browse to Software/inXile/Wasteland 2
  • Delete the entire "Wasteland 2" registry folder.

4.Third-party software conflicts

Framerate monitoring software, overclocking software, etc. may conflict with Wasteland 2 and cause problems, especially when trying to display an overlay message on-screen. Software known to cause issues with Wasteland 2 includes EVGA Precision X, MSI Afterburner, Rivatuner, Dxtory, and more. Please disable such software if you're running into crashes while playing.

5.Hard drive failure or damage

Sometimes, a failing hard drive can cause crashes, overly long load times, save file corruption, and other strange behavior both in the game and in general computer use. See here for instructions on how to run a Windows disk check: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows-vista/Check-your-hard-disk-for-errors

6.Overclocking & overheating

Make sure that your system is not overheating and is not overclocked. Overclocks and overheating can cause crashes and system restarts, crashes, blue screen errors, etc. If this applies to you, please be sure to remove any overclocks and try again. This can be the case even if you have a pre-overclocked system component (sold as "OC Edition" etc.), such as a video card.

7. DirectX 11 related crashes (Windows Vista/7/8/8.1)

Currently, Wasteland 2 defaults to the Unity game engine's DirectX 11 renderer. DirectX 11 mode uses substantially less system RAM, but on a small number of systems we've found it can be less stable and sometimes cause crashes for some users.

You can add the "-force-d3d9" launch option to force the game to run in DirectX 9 mode, which might potentially improve stability for you:



GOG.com or other stores:


Windows font crash

This crash usually manifests as a crash immediately on startup of the game. This is a general Unity engine issue caused by a bad or damaged font file being installed on your computer; when the game engine tries to read the font, it fails and crashes. The solution, in this case, is to remove or repair the offending font file. The following programs below may help you do so:


The first two are font managers that have capabilities to detect corrupt/damaged font files and repair or remove them - these will potentially let you find the troublesome font preventing you from playing. The last one, FontFrenzy, can remove all non-standard fonts from your system; this is a more brute-force method to solve the problem, but should also be effective.

V-sync doesn't work

The game engine that Wasteland 2 uses, Unity, uses a fullscreen method called "borderless window" which renders Wasteland 2 as a desktop window, rather than taking over your entire computer's display output (sometimes known as "exclusive fullscreen"). This makes for better multi-monitor support and faster task switching if you tab out of the game.

One quirk of Windows is that v-sync on the desktop is tied to the Aero theme. If you disable Aero in favor of the Windows Basic theme or similar, then v-sync will also be disabled. Due to Wasteland 2 running in a borderless window instead of exclusive fullscreen, Windows treats it as a desktop application and thus does not v-sync the game, even if you turn the v-sync setting on in the Options menu.

The workaround for this is to enable the Aero theme while playing Wasteland 2, which will allow v-sync to work correctly.
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Revelator 14/fev./2023 às 4:40 
hey devs please, bring italian subtitles on xbox version thanks.
madhatter 6/set./2024 às 22:42 
If I HAVE to complain about anything, it would be how difficult it is when you hold right click to pan the overhead camera, making it annoying whenever you want to move the camera.
Did I miss something in the settings or is the mouse cursor supposed to do that? Still moving even when you hold the right click?
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