Train Simulator Classic 2024

Train Simulator Classic 2024

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JayTwoPointOh 8.7.2015 klo 10.08
Exploring new regions: What routes/countries do you want to see in TS?
Hi Everyone,

As you all are likely aware, in Train Simulator we focus the locations of our first party routes primarily around the UK, US and Germany and while we have no intentions of halting production of routes based in these regions, we do want to start testing the waters to see what demand there is for routes/countries outside of these core areas.

So in this thread we would like to know which new places you would like to see Train Simulator visit, any specific routes outside of the UK, US & DE you are eager to see in the game, or even if you would like more emphasis on our three main locales as opposed to experimenting in unfamiliar territories.

Thanks guys!

- Jay
Viimeisin muokkaaja on JayTwoPointOh; 8.7.2015 klo 10.08

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paweuek 8.7.2015 klo 11.16 
Therefore, I am from Poland, I most look forward to any polish route. The biggest problem in making polish routes by community members is lack of our signals and overhead wires. Another interesting location might be France. I'm thinking of TGV with existing in TS TVM430 signaling system.
To be able to re-use existing content as much as possible, I would suggest spreading out from Germany: Switzerland, Austria, Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Netherlands.

Eurosprinter and Traxx, Desiros and FLIRTS, Ludmilas and BR 03s (from DTG or other Developers) could be reused - and many buildings as well.
skinnyraf lähetti viestin:
To be able to re-use existing content as much as possible, I would suggest spreading out from Germany: Switzerland, Austria, Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Netherlands.

Eurosprinter and Traxx, Desiros and FLIRTS, Ludmilas and BR 03s (from DTG or other Developers) could be reused - and many buildings as well.

100% agree with that! Also all missing routes from old MSTS in new versions might be fun to explore.
I'm austrian and fully agree with central europe, however some Chillian Mountain passes and Vale routes would be challenging.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on comoli; 8.7.2015 klo 13.00
skinnyraf lähetti viestin:
To be able to re-use existing content as much as possible, I would suggest spreading out from Germany: Switzerland, Austria, Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Netherlands.

Eurosprinter and Traxx, Desiros and FLIRTS, Ludmilas and BR 03s (from DTG or other Developers) could be reused - and many buildings as well.

Another full agreement here... expanding the area from Germany to cover the Central Europe is "no brainer" in this case. It also should be noted, that it is not uncommon sight to see trains from those countries in Germany (and vice versa), so this is another good reason for going this way...
orb 8.7.2015 klo 12.27 
paweuek lähetti viestin:
I most look forward to any polish route
I agree, even if there are no EN57, EU07, ET22, ET41, SU45, SM42 or SM03 to drive. :P
skinnyraf lähetti viestin:
To be able to re-use existing content as much as possible, I would suggest spreading out from Germany: Switzerland, Austria, Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Netherlands.

Eurosprinter and Traxx, Desiros and FLIRTS, Ludmilas and BR 03s (from DTG or other Developers) could be reused - and many buildings as well.
Absolutely. And since you have already listed most of Germany's neighbors you could as well include Denmark. Much reuse is possible, the main differences being language and signals.
(Trying to keep the route sizes reasonable; the ideal would be the whole world.LOL)
Netherlands route suggestions:
  • Amsterdam CS - Schiphol - Leiden - Den Haag CS
  • Amsterdam CS - Haarlem - Leiden - Den Haag CS
  • Den Haag CS - Rotterdam CS
  • Den Haag CS - Utrecht CS
  • (rail network) Den Haag CS - Leiden CS, Den Haag CS - Gouda - Utrecht - CS, Leiden CS - Utrecht CS, Den Haag CS - Rotterdam CS, Rotterdam CS - Gouda - Utrecht CS.
As I prefer rail networks I would like to see the last one, but I understand it's also probably the most complex to realize.

As others already pointed out; why not make routes that cross borders. Germany has plenty of neighbours.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on The3oLand; 8.7.2015 klo 18.56
you could do sydney metro its not all that different from some uk routes and onto regional cities.the rolling stock is australian some us diesals like f7.we have xpt and a train similar to c166.we have a good subway and airport link,light rail and a monorail.even in the near future an all computerised,driverless train
Viimeisin muokkaaja on kevin1957; 20.8.2015 klo 16.36
If you ask me, I still would like to see Weymouth to Bristol and Perth to Inverness routes when it comes to UK routes, outside - any Russian route set in the picturesque mountainous area (TransSiberian section through Urals, mainly through Ekaterinburg and Chelyabinsk, which are one of the biggest hubs in the country, or somewhere around Baikal lake). Beware though, either you do it know while we have a vast selection of the locos belonging to quite different eras still running the tracks or you do it some time later populating it with standardised Velaro and Desiro sets, which have nothing in common with Russian railway spirit.
oh my, so many wishes. Most already mentioned like Netherlands, France and other Eu countries, Africa, Australian/NZ, South American, Historical routes like Trans Siberia and Orient, Old era routes and engines from "the dawn of railways" etc etc etc
Mavadelo lähetti viestin:
oh my, so many wishes. Most already mentioned like Netherlands, France and other Eu countries, Africa, Australian/NZ, South American, Historical routes like Trans Siberia and Orient, Old era routes and engines from "the dawn of railways" etc etc etc

TransSiberian route is mistakenly regarded as being only a historical one. While it was historical, it's a vital connection line between the West and the East of Russia. The freight and passenger flow on the line is really huge, which explains why there are two branches, North and South, in the European part and Mainline and Baikal Amur Line in the Eastern part.

That said, with the price of the plane tickets over here trains are the only means of travelling for many of those who are living in the Far East of Russia. Even if it means travelling for 5-7 days to reach the Urals and Central Russia. Surely it's faster by plane (about 6-7 hours), but the prices do bite for many still.

You can always have a look at my YouTube channel videos, which were made on TransSiberian line and its branches to see it's indeed vital for the country. The flow never stops.
@FOUR Maybe Classic or Legendary lines would have been a less confusing option in this case. Historical does not need to be non running anymore, just tracks with a lot of wellknown history that everyone knows even if they don't know anything else about trains :)
Mavadelo lähetti viestin:
@FOUR Maybe Classic or Legendary lines would have been a less confusing option in this case. Historical does not need to be non running anymore, just tracks with a lot of wellknown history that everyone knows even if they don't know anything else about trains :)

Well, yes, I agree that Classic or Legendary would be less confusing. The fact is that TransSiberian route, the part of it which runs through the South Ural Mountains offers quite a variety for the devs and scenario creators. During WWII it was actively used by all kinds of different steam engines which were delivering all kinds of goods (food, weaponry etc) from the East to the West. Surely this was the case almost everywhere in the world during WWII, but the punishing gradients in the mountains made it quite a challenge. Add to this the route which snaked around the mountains in intermittent Horseshoe Curves and why not?
The Ontario Northland Railway would be nice to see in TS, whether it be the Polar Bear Express route from Cochrane to Moosonee or the Northlander from Toronto to Cochrane.
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