Critter Café

Critter Café

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This game looks so good can it work on my steam deck?
i really like the concept!! does it work on steam deck?
Postat inițial de SecretModeVicki:
Postat inițial de Celestial Lexi:
i really like the concept!! does it work on steam deck?
Good news, it is now officially Steam Deck verified as of today!
< >
Se afișează 1-2 din 2 comentarii
Yuyukari 28 nov. 2024 la 20:55 
It's currently not fully verified but generally still playable, the UI text might be too small to some people, but everything else work fine
Autorul acestui fir de discuții a indicat faptul că postarea aceasta răspunde la subiectul inițial.
SecretModeVicki  [dezvoltator] 2 dec. 2024 la 6:40 
Postat inițial de Celestial Lexi:
i really like the concept!! does it work on steam deck?
Good news, it is now officially Steam Deck verified as of today!
< >
Se afișează 1-2 din 2 comentarii
Per pagină: 1530 50

Data postării: 28 nov. 2024 la 17:11
Postări: 2