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Ez_Dawg 1 Nov, 2024 @ 11:37am
Scholar Of The First Sin?
Hey everyone,
I recently played Elden Ring and Sekiro, and have decided that this is the best video game series ever. I'm going to get dark souls I, II, and III.

However, I am confused with scholar of the first sin. I heard it's basically just the game but remastered? Plus it has all DLC? Also, I want to know the differences between the two. Your guys' thoughts and info will be appreciated.
Originally posted by DovahQueen Qc:
i confirm ds2 being less overcrowded by mobs than scholar of the first sin (played about 20h on scholar of the first sin, gave up not really having fun, then the original, nearly 500h and felt like an actual souls game)

you can look up a video of someone playing both version and the one i watched a year ago literally died around 175 times on scholar of the first sin and only 31 on the original, tho to his defence scholar of the first sin was the first of the 2 he played... the original, he was like "i'm actually having fun, i don't feel like everything's made to kill me. I feel like i was lied to, ds2 is much more fun than scholar of the first sin"
check it out at 30:07 to 33:45 for an overview with virtually ZERO SPOILER


word of advise, avoid the PvP like the plague, if you get invaded by a player, either ALT+F4 or speedrun the area or head back to a bonfire because everyone i met in 500h was lagging badly and half of them were 1-shot builds (dark damage)... i may get some triggered pvp veterans from saying that but ds2 pvp is literally the worst pvp experience me and my friends ever had in 20 years. there's simply no justice nor logic when it comes to pvp... to avoid PvP at all cost, just don't be a human (100% max hp) just die once to stop cooperation and pvp with other players.............to clarify, yes we had upgraded armors, decent max hp and decent "agility" stat. pvp hitboxes are absolutely horrendous, a lot of phantom range and hit box active frames
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Showing 1-9 of 9 comments
Blaise 3 Nov, 2024 @ 11:46am 
Main difference is different enemy and item placement (for me vanilla is better cuz scholar fells more crowded but its my opinion), bad hitboxes are still the same in scholar so idk if its proper remaster or more like remix/mod, i think if you buy vanilla all dlc are automatic added as a boundle but you need to doble check on that, and the last thing scholar is much more active in terms of co-op and pvp so if you like that stuff you are better with scholar
hope that helps a little
Ez_Dawg 4 Nov, 2024 @ 5:14pm 
Originally posted by Blaise:
Main difference is different enemy and item placement (for me vanilla is better cuz scholar fells more crowded but its my opinion), bad hitboxes are still the same in scholar so idk if its proper remaster or more like remix/mod, i think if you buy vanilla all dlc are automatic added as a boundle but you need to doble check on that, and the last thing scholar is much more active in terms of co-op and pvp so if you like that stuff you are better with scholar
hope that helps a little
Thanks bro
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DovahQueen Qc 7 Dec, 2024 @ 2:46pm 
i confirm ds2 being less overcrowded by mobs than scholar of the first sin (played about 20h on scholar of the first sin, gave up not really having fun, then the original, nearly 500h and felt like an actual souls game)

you can look up a video of someone playing both version and the one i watched a year ago literally died around 175 times on scholar of the first sin and only 31 on the original, tho to his defence scholar of the first sin was the first of the 2 he played... the original, he was like "i'm actually having fun, i don't feel like everything's made to kill me. I feel like i was lied to, ds2 is much more fun than scholar of the first sin"
check it out at 30:07 to 33:45 for an overview with virtually ZERO SPOILER


word of advise, avoid the PvP like the plague, if you get invaded by a player, either ALT+F4 or speedrun the area or head back to a bonfire because everyone i met in 500h was lagging badly and half of them were 1-shot builds (dark damage)... i may get some triggered pvp veterans from saying that but ds2 pvp is literally the worst pvp experience me and my friends ever had in 20 years. there's simply no justice nor logic when it comes to pvp... to avoid PvP at all cost, just don't be a human (100% max hp) just die once to stop cooperation and pvp with other players.............to clarify, yes we had upgraded armors, decent max hp and decent "agility" stat. pvp hitboxes are absolutely horrendous, a lot of phantom range and hit box active frames
Last edited by DovahQueen Qc; 7 Dec, 2024 @ 3:55pm
Blaise 8 Dec, 2024 @ 2:26am 
Originally posted by DovahQueen Qc:
i confirm ds2 being less overcrowded by mobs than scholar of the first sin (played about 20h on scholar of the first sin, gave up not really having fun, then the original, nearly 500h and felt like an actual souls game)

you can look up a video of someone playing both version and the one i watched a year ago literally died around 175 times on scholar of the first sin and only 31 on the original, tho to his defence scholar of the first sin was the first of the 2 he played... the original, he was like "i'm actually having fun, i don't feel like everything's made to kill me. I feel like i was lied to, ds2 is much more fun than scholar of the first sin"
check it out at 30:07 to 33:45 for an overview with virtually ZERO SPOILER


word of advise, avoid the PvP like the plague, if you get invaded by a player, either ALT+F4 or speedrun the area or head back to a bonfire because everyone i met in 500h was lagging badly and half of them were 1-shot builds (dark damage)... i may get some triggered pvp veterans from saying that but ds2 pvp is literally the worst pvp experience me and my friends ever had in 20 years. there's simply no justice nor logic when it comes to pvp... to avoid PvP at all cost, just don't be a human (100% max hp) just die once to stop cooperation and pvp with other players.............to clarify, yes we had upgraded armors, decent max hp and decent "agility" stat. pvp hitboxes are absolutely horrendous, a lot of phantom range and hit box active frames

I think ppl can still invade even if you don't have effigy used, and only way to stop invaders is to burn effigy at bonefire
Originally posted by Blaise:
Originally posted by DovahQueen Qc:
i confirm ds2 being less overcrowded by mobs than scholar of the first sin (played about 20h on scholar of the first sin, gave up not really having fun, then the original, nearly 500h and felt like an actual souls game)

you can look up a video of someone playing both version and the one i watched a year ago literally died around 175 times on scholar of the first sin and only 31 on the original, tho to his defence scholar of the first sin was the first of the 2 he played... the original, he was like "i'm actually having fun, i don't feel like everything's made to kill me. I feel like i was lied to, ds2 is much more fun than scholar of the first sin"
check it out at 30:07 to 33:45 for an overview with virtually ZERO SPOILER


word of advise, avoid the PvP like the plague, if you get invaded by a player, either ALT+F4 or speedrun the area or head back to a bonfire because everyone i met in 500h was lagging badly and half of them were 1-shot builds (dark damage)... i may get some triggered pvp veterans from saying that but ds2 pvp is literally the worst pvp experience me and my friends ever had in 20 years. there's simply no justice nor logic when it comes to pvp... to avoid PvP at all cost, just don't be a human (100% max hp) just die once to stop cooperation and pvp with other players.............to clarify, yes we had upgraded armors, decent max hp and decent "agility" stat. pvp hitboxes are absolutely horrendous, a lot of phantom range and hit box active frames

I think ppl can still invade even if you don't have effigy used, and only way to stop invaders is to burn effigy at bonefire
DS1/2/3 require the player to be "human" or embered (ds3) to activate matchmaking... Elden ring require the taunting tongue or a player summon to activate invasion. after about 500h myself on DS1 and 2 with over 2500h on ds3 and about 1000h on elden ring (on an other account for most), i'm pretty sure this is how it works

edit: just checked out that it does in fact allow invasion on hollowed players in DS2, because people were abusing hollowing in DS1 to avoid potential invasions. HOWEVER, human players will almost always have a priority over hollowed players. Considering the low playerbase, I've never been invaded while hollow
Last edited by 六十七匹の稲妻炎カニ; 10 Dec, 2024 @ 9:18am
peremptor 12 Dec, 2024 @ 3:30pm 
I've been playing Scholar and started playing the OG version and so far just in the Tree Giant area off the bat (Scholar you need an item to unlock it) and it's awesome to have two versions of the same game... being able to fight the 2 ogres in the starter area is cool but I miss the ogre we get at the start of the forest of giants area in Scholar... all in all try both.

Scholar has more enemies but they aggro differently. Imo it's worth getting both versions I went out of my way to get the OG version after I had Scholar myself even though I just started playing the games these past few weeks.
Last edited by peremptor; 12 Dec, 2024 @ 3:31pm
peremptor 12 Dec, 2024 @ 3:33pm 
Originally posted by Blaise:
Originally posted by DovahQueen Qc:
i confirm ds2 being less overcrowded by mobs than scholar of the first sin (played about 20h on scholar of the first sin, gave up not really having fun, then the original, nearly 500h and felt like an actual souls game)

you can look up a video of someone playing both version and the one i watched a year ago literally died around 175 times on scholar of the first sin and only 31 on the original, tho to his defence scholar of the first sin was the first of the 2 he played... the original, he was like "i'm actually having fun, i don't feel like everything's made to kill me. I feel like i was lied to, ds2 is much more fun than scholar of the first sin"
check it out at 30:07 to 33:45 for an overview with virtually ZERO SPOILER


word of advise, avoid the PvP like the plague, if you get invaded by a player, either ALT+F4 or speedrun the area or head back to a bonfire because everyone i met in 500h was lagging badly and half of them were 1-shot builds (dark damage)... i may get some triggered pvp veterans from saying that but ds2 pvp is literally the worst pvp experience me and my friends ever had in 20 years. there's simply no justice nor logic when it comes to pvp... to avoid PvP at all cost, just don't be a human (100% max hp) just die once to stop cooperation and pvp with other players.............to clarify, yes we had upgraded armors, decent max hp and decent "agility" stat. pvp hitboxes are absolutely horrendous, a lot of phantom range and hit box active frames

I think ppl can still invade even if you don't have effigy used, and only way to stop invaders is to burn effigy at bonefire

I just went offline mode... honestly seeing all those bloodstains and echoes of other players is distracting as hell and obviously invaders with min maxed builds can be annoying as hell too but I don't mind that nearly as much as all the visual clutter caused by all the crap other players write in teh floor.

Just block the game with your windows firewall.. this way you get no penalties from dodging invaders and when you want to experience the online component (IF EVER) you can just unblock it again.
peremptor 12 Dec, 2024 @ 11:28pm 
Oh burning an effigy only gives you like 30 minutes of guaranteed non invasion time so it's relatively expensive for what it is.
HeideKnight 31 Dec, 2024 @ 12:48am 
I think it is not easy to say that one version is better than the other. There are things which I like more in Vanilla and there are things which I like more in Scholar. I would just pick one of the two and, if you like the game, perhaps try out the other one later on. I played Vanilla after Scholar and found it interesting to see how the developers originally intended Dark Souls 2 to be like. Vanilla is so to speak the untouched version of the game that maybe has some balance issues which they fixed in Scholar. But it is the more genuine version, too, in my opinion.
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