Kagura Survivors: Endless Night

Kagura Survivors: Endless Night

Fully Evolved(Evolve all 6 abilities on a single run)
how do it?
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115/16 megjegyzés mutatása
On beta or life?
I think I figured it out, when in game if you hit B you can see different combo's I think you need to do six in a single run. So like the gem increase plus boulder crush or lightning storm plus health regen. I think you need to upgrade all 5 of your skills into combos, plus fully max the ultimate.


Slight problem, we only really have 4 skills plus the auto attack. I don't know if anything combines with the auto attack though as it doesn't show in the book. Unless something combines with it or the dash, we're stuck at 5 evolves. The 4 skills and the ultimate.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Luxornia; 2024. nov. 13., 12:12
One thing i can report for sure is you don't get it by upgrading all 6 "large-square" abilities to level 6 and having all modifier slots filled for each of those. Really lost on how to get this one.

Edit: This is on live version, not beta.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: kovec; 2024. nov. 21., 17:56
There was a new update today, which fix boss achievements in open beta, but fully evolved and some 10k kill (blue slime, gaping tentacle, thug) remain unobtainable. Just finished run with all abilities evolved (4 basic, slash, dash and ultimate) - zero. :berserk:
Yep can confirm, having all 7 possible evolutions doesn't unlock achievement.
Helltaker  [Fejlesztő] 2024. nov. 23., 10:29 
Noticed and reported back to the programmer. Thanks for testing <3
This isn't the only bugged achievement. I have not been getting any progress for earning gold or total kills. It should read the stats from Steam and increment from there. It would really suck if those stats only tracked on the legacy version.
Matt eredeti hozzászólása:
This isn't the only bugged achievement. I have not been getting any progress for earning gold or total kills. It should read the stats from Steam and increment from there. It would really suck if those stats only tracked on the legacy version.
It's probably only tracked locally and since everything got reset to zero with the new version you probably have to start over. But Steam won't show it until you surpass what you already had before. This really deserves its own topic instead of derailing this one.
It works now
Still not working for me with the latest update. I have everything max level with combos.

Nevermind, all achievements were not working with default Proton. Switched to Proton 9 and everything is popping now including this one. It's fixed.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: kovec; 2024. nov. 29., 9:55
Did you upgrade the skill? Can't see your passives so no idea if you have magnet
I can confirm that the chievo works now. Got it ca. 45 min. ago.
It's not obvious (at least for me), but for this achieve you need to evolve sword, ultimate and dash first (it means picking passives you need for them and then choose active skills requiring same passives for evolve. After that just fill this build with passives you want). At least in my first run I evolved 5 active skills and dash and got nothing.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Скуфья; 2024. nov. 29., 18:43
That's not true, I was evolving sword and dash last and it popped without evolving dash with 6 out of 7 possible evolutions on first try.
Yeah, I got it after evloving 6 abilities, but 3 of them (sword, dash and ultimate were already evolved). Anyway, I can't understand exact requirements. :manthinking:
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115/16 megjegyzés mutatása
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