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Namikoyo 26 Feb, 2024 @ 4:21pm
Shame this game isn't getting more traction here, but...
When it's tackling the idea of having "no choices" in a pseudo (and sometimes upfront or secret) S&M kind of plot, I can see why this would not be an average person's cup of tea.

Personally, I think it's a very thought-provoking and different kind of take on the Western-inspired Stranger in the Bad Town style of trope. You are at the mercy of your own disposition, initial (and new) circumstances thrust upon you and perhaps luck as well. Unlike many kinds of games of this kind of customizing of character, you do not go on to dominate every situation you are in (ala. Commander Shepard in Mass Effect or the Main Characters of the Knights of the Old Republic), but rather spend a lot of time being told what to do, and often have no idea if what you are doing for your patrons (love interests?) is going towards your goals, or if you're ultimately going to be a pawn for a charismatic, but morally insensitive person.

I'm starting to get into it from that point of view, instead of dictating the pace of the plot through MY chosen actions, I'm trying to see what choices are LEFT to take.

Narratively speaking, it helps one immerse more fully into this strange, often unlawful and dangerous world.

I eagerly await the full version.