Logic Town
"Either or" hint always puts the symbol going into the same column first
"Either or" hints basically become "X and Y but not Z" hints after noticing this bug.
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Показані коментарі 15 із 5
Since I read this I've noticed it's always true. Definitely seems like a bug.
Thanks for spotting this, you're right. I'll make sure this fix makes it into the next update.
By the way, it looks like this was fixed (you can no longer assume the top option is the correct one), although I don't see it in the patch notes of the latest update.
Yes, you're right, I forgot to mention this one in the update notes!
I think this one was reintroduced to the game again. I've had a lot of instances where the first option is the correct one, especially noticeable when the second option mentioned is in a higher row than the first one (which feels like an illogical order).

Ofcourse, just after writing this I got one where this was not true. Guess it was just coincidence. Never mind me, move along :D
Автор останньої редакції: Finwickle; 7 серп. 2024 о 10:02
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