Pinball FX

Pinball FX

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Akos  [developer] 14 Apr, 2023 @ 8:34am
Thanks, RodRov for the reminder!

Feel free to use this topic for table bugs or things you encounter.

1.) bugs inside the tables themselves:

- which table were you playing
- what game mode you were playing (etc.: Classic, 1 Ball Challenge, Tournament)
- what mode was running (multiball, main mode, minigame etc)
- what happened

2.) Bugs in the game/interface:

- where did it happen (in options, game mode, my tables screen, at startup)
- what happened
- pc specs
- any error text, if available

Thank you!
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Showing 1-15 of 1,165 comments
Jefftime 14 Apr, 2023 @ 9:58am 
This is a general issue, not table specific. PFX will not save my keybinds between exiting and reopening the game. What's also weird is it seems to load my PFX3 keybinds for the flippers, but then keeps the L/R nudging keybinds as default. Not sure what's going on here.
SeventhWard 14 Apr, 2023 @ 10:50am 
This is a general use bug. When running the game in WINDOWED, using ALT+ENTER to switch to Fullscreen is not working.

My system is configured with 2 displays -- my primary display is 3440x1440 set for Landscape mode and my secondary display is 2560x1440 set for Portrait mode. I use this configuration to play FX3 all the time, I would launch the game in WINDOWED, drag it over to my portrait monitor, hit ALT+ENTER and enjoy full screen vertical pinball. Loved it.

With PinballFX, when trying the same thing, ALT+ENTER does nothing. I can double-click PinballFX to make it fit the window with the correct aspect ratio -- but I've still got the Windows taskbar on screen.

Also when switching tables, PinballFX will forget it's resolution and default to Landscape mode.

Finally, when setting PinballFX to fullscreen on a Portrait display -- it squishes landscape mode into the portrait mode window, making everything have a funky skinny incorrect aspect ratio.

Please make it work like FX3. Thanks.
Last edited by SeventhWard; 14 Apr, 2023 @ 11:54am
Treebeard 14 Apr, 2023 @ 11:17am 
The DMD window for Godzilla versus Kong is not "shrinking" and moving to the lower corner after game start, blocking visibility of the left flipper.
p1nbal1 14 Apr, 2023 @ 12:34pm 
at startup, mbam/norton, notice missing “valid digital signature” mentions tcp connection to zencdn. windows 11, 3060, i9-12900
Last edited by p1nbal1; 14 Apr, 2023 @ 12:37pm
metalhead 14 Apr, 2023 @ 1:52pm 
There is latency issue playing with controller.
makes the game unplayable.
No problem playing FX3 even on max settings....
rehtroboi37 14 Apr, 2023 @ 1:57pm 
Some on these boards have mentioned that Vertical up-kicks are not working on some Williams pinball games, although White Water is the only one I can vouch for (it doesn't work).

Oh well, at least I still have the FX3 version which works pretty well, and the Pinball Arcade version which, unlike Pinball FX series, does not have weak upper flippers.
Ryan Cook 14 Apr, 2023 @ 2:04pm 
The "Empire Strikes Back" table is missing the Star Destroyer ships from the windows, if you waited for a short time these battle cruisers would slowly fly past the windows, no matter how long i waited they never show up in Pinball FX, they do work in Pinball FX3 though.

If you need photos/videos i can post them but you can easily see if you have the old version it works, this was a cool detail that is now missing.
MixedupJim 14 Apr, 2023 @ 3:02pm 
Bug: nVIdia "FAST" vsync mode locks fps to 60hz

If you have vsync set to "FAST" in the nVidia control panel then Pinball FX will lock the frame rate to 60fps (or the max refresh rate of your monitor).

This causes some small, but noticeable, input/flipper lag when running at 60hz.

Setting vsync to FAST should allow the game to run at the maximum fps it can regardless of screen refresh rate but also prevents screen tearing and other artifacts.

Pinball FX3 works brilliantly in this mode as I can get 200fps+ in that game which seems to eliminate any input/flipper lag for me.
Gooper Blooper 14 Apr, 2023 @ 4:06pm 
Here's a few issues I've found. In all cases I was playing the default Classic mode, I didn't try any other modes.

1: Entire Game: Custom controls are not saved. Upon launch it forgets what I made them be the previous time I played.

2: Entire Game: After customizing the flipper controls to the left and right arrow keys, I found every table will refuse to accept flipper input unless I go into the menu and then back to the table (I don't have to change anything further, it still has my controls saved, but it needs me to look at the options). They then work for the duration of that game, but I have to do it again if I choose to replay the same table after a Game Over or if I go back to the menu and choose another table. This happened on every single table I played without exception. Does this game just hate arrow keys?

3: World Championship Soccer: Input delay on the flippers. Other tables worked fine.

4: World Championship Soccer: The upkick near the goal is too weak and the ball repeatedly falls back into the upkicker in an endless loop. A side nudge gets it free.

5: Entire Game: Some of the achievements seem to be bugged. I earned an achievement that says I needed to play every mode on the same table to unlock it, but instead I was handed this achievement for free on startup and if you look at the achievement stats, 100% of players have it. Another achievement for tricking out my profile was given at the same time I earned my first collectible, and those achievements also have identical earn percentage in the global achievement stats.
Last edited by Gooper Blooper; 14 Apr, 2023 @ 4:06pm 14 Apr, 2023 @ 4:28pm 
Sky Pirates, classic, German localization, end of game text does not fit screen. It starts in the middle of the DMD and overlaps the right border
djimpulsion 14 Apr, 2023 @ 5:01pm 
I have a virtual pin cabinet with 3 screens. all 3 monitors configured in setting and see chasing bar on DMD display as well as backglass display. Playfield and DMD display load fine but no backglass loading on any table i've launched so far (trolls, Borderlands) it only shows a file path on screen
scoot_n_mandi 14 Apr, 2023 @ 6:28pm 
Bride Of Pinbot, classic mode. This is the only table I'm having this issue... the sound sounds really bad. There is a lot of buzzing and distortion in the music, and possibly the sound effects, too. It's not my speakers because it does it through the computer built-in speakers and earbuds too. I doubt it's my computer, because this is the only table that sounds like this.
AstroNasty 14 Apr, 2023 @ 7:46pm 
everytime i try to buy coins to get the pass it says access denied. I can buy the table packs though.
Jeneki 14 Apr, 2023 @ 7:56pm 
In cabinet / vertical mode:

For the new tables, please test visibility to the upper playfield in cabinet mode. Some of the newer tables such as Godzilla vs Kong and Snoopy have objects that block the visibility to the upper lanes, making it far more difficult to hit skill shots since I don't know which lane is flashing.

On the Godzilla vs Kong table especially, the voice kept saying "shoot the flashing lane for skillshot!" and I kept thinking, "What flashing lane? Nothing is flashing." Only after cycling through the many views did I finally catch a glimpse of what it was talking about.

In Snoopy, the happy friendly tree of joy gets in the way of half the lanes, which again is needed to see where the skillshot is.
crono3 14 Apr, 2023 @ 8:34pm 
I can't see my steam friends scores on the friends tab for tables. It just shows me for any table when I know my friend has played and has a score. Same for him, he can't see my score.
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