Spock 18 May, 2016 @ 9:54am
Devs, a question about Lionhead Studios games.
I know this is the Godus forum.. But I didnt know where else to ask since Lionhead Studios is gone.

So I have been wanting to play a few old games from Lionhead for a long time now. Those games being: The Movies, Black & White, and Black & White 2. Unfortunately none of those are commercially available anymore.

Today at a thrift store I happened to find a physical copy of The Movies. It was opened and did not have a product key. Being so old I didnt know if it required one or not. So I took a chance and bought it for $3.00.

Of course upon installation I found that it does ask for a product key.

So now I'm frustrated.. Not angry as I knew I was taking a chance and it isnt a big loss. But frustrated that this game and the others mentioned are not available anywhere other than places like ebay or amazon where they may or may not be good copies. If they were still available commercially I would have gladly bought them long ago.

I know Lionhead was bought out by Microsoft. Did they also get the rights to the games I mentioned or just Fable? As the only one they seem to show any interest in is Fable. Are the games I mentioned considered Abandonware?

Would it be legal to use a crack for the product key since I legally own a physical copy of the game?(if asking this is against TOS please notify me I will gladly remove it. I only ask because I am not sure on the legallity of it and I dont know if it would be considered piracy in this case. I do not support piracy and am not trying to do anything illegal which is why I am here asking about it.)

If Microsoft is in charge of these games now.. Would you guys or Peter M. Have any clue who to contact or how to contact them to discuss this?

As of now, no one that should be is making money off of these games. And it puts people like myself that really want to play them in a really frustrating place. Any help or advice on the matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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vv [FuMM] 30 Aug, 2016 @ 11:51pm 
Cracking for backing up purposes is totally dependent on what country and what region of said country you are in. Some states in the USA I understand will allow you to do so if you own the game. I think this whole software licenseing scam that's "standard" will hopefully end and be replaced by something better. Perhaps a digital persistent system like steam or GOG in the future will buy old games like these and make them available? Till then I suggest you go on some forums like GOG and ask around if anyone has a solution that's legal in your country etc.
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