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Boy Weevil 23 MAR 2013 a las 2:33 a. m.
Hey Colin! Ya you!
I absolutely love this game. I can't get enough. One thing is sorely missing though! Why can't I save my creatures created in custom levels? Import creatures from sandbox into my custom levels? I am limited in my creativity as I can't combine these two elements. Imagine being able to create a rock tossing Quozzle, complete with a level containing targets, and then load it up anytime you feel like some angry birds type fun! Sandbox isn't quite "sandbox" if I can't edit the world at the same time! Could something like this be implemented?? Thanks for the most fun I've had with any game in a long time!
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Boy Weevil 23 MAR 2013 a las 1:41 p. m. 
Just wanted to add a couple examples as I was low on sleep when I wrote the initial message.

-I started building a Cthulu like creature in sandbox, and quite some time into design I decided it might be cool to give him some wings and see him fly. Unfortunately sandbox mode has no options for level editing, so I was stuck with no wind and a grounded Cthulu. No way to import Cthulu into a custom level my options were to rebuild him completely in a later wind level (which would likely not be the ideal setup for his large size), or forget about dreams of seeing Cthulu fly.

-Later, I went to the level editor, and built a long water world like level, thinking it would be great fun to test out water based creatures there. Unfortunately, after creating a boat design I was very happy with, I was unable to save it within the level editor. It seemed these two facets of the game should be combined, and yet, they were tragically seperated, unable to interact! "Why!!" I begged the Stars, "...why have my creative options been stifled!?" and I was left a broken, broken man.

Hope this clarifies my issues... I was in a bit of a state when I wrote the OP.
Also, I hope this doesn't come across as demanding. I thought it worth suggesting this improvement as it would make an already fantastic game even better. Thanks again... Happy Quozzling.
Última edición por Boy Weevil; 23 MAR 2013 a las 1:42 p. m.
Boy Weevil 23 MAR 2013 a las 2:21 p. m. 
P.S. My muscle rotations are backwards. After watching some online videos it doesn't appear it is supposed to be like this. For some reasons my limbs rotate opposite what the arrow shows. I am assuming this is some kind of bug. I am still not used to having to choose the opposite rotation of what I actually want...confusing.

Also, can I delete creautures/levels I published online?
How do I change my in game display name? I logged in with Steam, and it seems to only want to use my old steam ID, changing it on Steam has no effect, and attempting to change it in game it tells me "steam accounts cannot be edited here" or something along those lines.
Última edición por Boy Weevil; 23 MAR 2013 a las 11:22 p. m.
Boy Weevil 31 MAR 2013 a las 8:02 p. m. 
Renrek 28 ABR 2014 a las 8:38 a. m. 
Has anyone found a method to change the display name yet? It is stuck on an obsolete handle for me as well.
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