Pinball FX2

Pinball FX2

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Akos  [developer] 31 Aug, 2017 @ 3:10am
Tweaks and Fixes for tables coming to Pinball FX3
I'll post it here as well:

Our beloved Deep embarked on a quest to tweak our tables for the new release, and fix a few bugs as well while he's at it.

All tables
- New lighting engine and polished graphics
- Slingshots and bumpers tuned up to match the newer tables and real life pinballs

Wild West Rampage
- Right outlane is now more forgiving
- Multiplier targets are easier to hit
- Rampage Multiball locking is easier if the multiball didn't start
- 1 Duel win instead of 3 and 5-way combo instead of 10 needed for light extraballs
- Skillshot scores got some balanced values

- Ball saver will be activated once out of 5 completed JADE rollovers (random), other 4 completition gives various scores
- Fixed a bug where the Multiball started with 3 balls instantly instead of 2.
- Multiball starting were balanced: the idol stays open longer at start, but the light lock targets need to be hit once more after every ended multiball (max 5)

- Right sinkhole is more accessible
- Spindisks are now actually working
- Fixed an issue where a CAST hole hit gave 2 letters at a time
- Balanced the CAST ball saver award to give ball save 2 times out of 6 completition (random), the rest gives 100K

- Main mode about to start is now random with every start of the game.
- Next main mode will be automatically chosen after completing one.
- Main mode starter minigame is a bit easier
- Multiball jackpots are balanced, higher jackpots at start but they reset with every start of the multiball
- The spinner holds the ball for a shorter time now and gives ball saver after 100K points made with it, raises a bit after every activation

- The table is globally now more accessible, easier to hit lanes

Sorcerer's Lair
- The ball that drains through the left outlane right after hitting a bumper will be saved
- Bones main mode is easier to complete
- Right loop hit corrected so the ball will go around as it should
- Fixed a bug where the table couldn't nudged for couple of seconds after a cellar mode
- Collecting obsidians balanced: they will reset after the second time the table gets completed (finished Midnight mode) to prevent exploiting their bonus

- Fixed various bugs:
- Extra-tilt warning (Mutation reward) doesnt work on FX3 (this reward gives normally 3 nudges before tilt on FX2).
- Mini-bug (on FX2 too) : Super skillshot (double skillshot) gives no points when a ball is locked in the tubular.
- Mini-bug (on FX2 too) : when a creature is born (after 3 tuchs) the dmd shows the message "and now for the genetic sequencing" and if the ball is in the jar in the same time to start a mission, we cant see the chosen mission (hidden by the message).
- Precision on the bug activation of Wheel multiball during the Reflex upgrade : the wheel multiball can be activated doing 4x combos, so when we do it on the Reflex upgrade, that starts a multiball.
- Bug with the activation of wheel in motion multiball during the Reflexes ugrade.

- Ball saver timer in Wizard mode shortened

- Fixed a bug where after launching the ball on Justice mini-game the flippers didn't work anymore and the ball got lost
- Romulus Jackpot score balanced to match other scores of the table

- Easier to hit the cross ramp

- Vertical mini playfield easier to play
- Jackpot raising with the spinner got balanced

Marvel: Ant-Man
- The multi-billion shots in wizard mode got balanced

Marvel: Fear Itself
- Raft mode base score balanced

Marvel: Thor
- Fixed an issue where the right kickback shot the ball to the drain

Marvel: Moon Knight
- Fixed a bug where the Encircled mode remained lit once it got started

Marvel: Iron Man
- Main modes can be started easier
- Lanes can be hit a bit easier
- Locker drop target is now more forgiving when hit

Marvel: Spider-Man
- Right sinkhole is more accessible now

Marvel: Doctor Strange
- Hitting the lanes are smoother
- Starting main modes are a bit easier

Marvel: Fantastic Four
- New fire effects
- Bumper and combo scores got balanced
- Scores during The Doctor Doom main mode gives bigger scores, completing it gives 4 million instead of 0

Marvel: Civil War
- Hitting the lanes are smoother
- Fixed a score exploit what could occur shooting the right sinkhole enough times, score capped at 1M instead of 4M

Marvel: Captain America
- Main mode completition scores splitted to make them available during the mode with progressing shots

Star Wars: Droids
- Main mode starting is a bit easier

Star Wars: Episode IV A new hope
- Death Star multiball starting balanced, needs more and more bumper hits after every start
- Death Star multiball jackpot exploit prevented with a diverter on the jackpot ramps

Star Wars: Masters of the Force
- Hitting the lanes are smoother

Star Wars: Darth Vader
- Fixed a bug where sometimes the Target Drill bonus got hold on next ball
- Target Drill score capped to prevent exploiting

Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back
- Main mode scores got balanced (raised)
- Scene 6 can be selected from the beginning
- Fixed a bug where the end of ball bonus scores did not reset after TILT
- Cloud City multiball can be started easier at first, gets harder with further starts

Star Wars: Rogue One
- Wizard mode scores balanced a bit, scoop won't give the ball back always to the right arm to prevent exploiting

Star Wars: Clone Wars
- Exploit prevented by caping the scores in Citadel side-mission

Skyrim Pinball
- Starting of the Dovahkiin Multiball got balanced. The lit locks won't disappear after locking a ball, but it demands more hits to light them after the first and second start of the multiball.
- Refined the working of flashig lights by default

Doom Pinball
- Fixed a bug where the mini playfield gave too high score.
< >
Showing 1-9 of 9 comments
silentsoundguy 31 Aug, 2017 @ 10:38pm 
Really nice fixes. Thanks, guys.
Awesome! 1 Sep, 2017 @ 1:58pm 
but WHEN Akos.... WHEN?

i am excited for civil war to maybe be playable in the future
Last edited by Awesome!; 1 Sep, 2017 @ 1:58pm
Akos  [developer] 4 Sep, 2017 @ 4:14am 
Originally posted by Awesome!:
but WHEN Akos.... WHEN?

i am excited for civil war to maybe be playable in the future

The million dollar question, which I've got the 1 buck answer to. I'd check back this week if I were you to get some news!
Sir Rudolf 9 Sep, 2017 @ 4:52am 
Originally posted by Akos:
I'll post it here as well:

All tables
- Slingshots and bumpers tuned up to match the newer tables and real life pinballs

One of the reasons I like the older tables was the rather dampened slingshots and bumpers. It allowed me to play those tables longer and get more involved with them. I enjoyed those pins a lot more than the recent offerings for this reason.

I know I will be in the minority on this, as the tuned up tables are more realistic, but I am very disapointed that you will be re-tuning the older tables in this fashion.

Most people will disagree with me, I know thats what most of you wanted, and thats fine, but with this announcement dampening my enthusiasm for FX3 I just had to say my piece.
Last edited by Sir Rudolf; 9 Sep, 2017 @ 5:04am
lokiss88 10 Sep, 2017 @ 1:20am 
Wild West Rampage:

5-way combo instead of 10 needed for light extraballs.

You've just ruined the table, with that change you can spam infinate extra balls for fun. While 10 can be challenging, 5 is far too easy, you can just spam center lane combo's to acheive that every time you want a ball stacked.

Why ruin a challenging table.. And the right out lane is 9 times out of 10 either your own fault for missing the sheif badge hole, or center loop.. or risking it going for the multiball shot/jail.. which you avoid anyway by doing that under a ball save.

And maybe not so much... but getting the multiply up to *10 is a big part of the score.. something like 40 million when i hit the top in the VR version.
Ben B 11 Sep, 2017 @ 6:00am 
I don't know if it's me but it feels like I now have a delay on my flipper input that wasn't there before
ndever 11 Sep, 2017 @ 6:33am 
Originally posted by lokiss88:
Wild West Rampage:

5-way combo instead of 10 needed for light extraballs.

You've just ruined the table, with that change you can spam infinate extra balls for fun. While 10 can be challenging, 5 is far too easy, you can just spam center lane combo's to acheive that every time you want a ball stacked.

Why ruin a challenging table.. And the right out lane is 9 times out of 10 either your own fault for missing the sheif badge hole, or center loop.. or risking it going for the multiball shot/jail.. which you avoid anyway by doing that under a ball save.

And maybe not so much... but getting the multiply up to *10 is a big part of the score.. something like 40 million when i hit the top in the VR version.


we had countles reports of how hard it is to light an extra ball with the 10-way combo. Actually the dedicated tester of Wild West Rampage could barely do it :) I gave it a lot of thought and decided to go with 5-way (actually 6 if you count the first shot). It is still not easy. And most importantly you can only light one extra ball with doing the combo shots.

About the right outlane. Some users have said they had nightmares because of that part of the table :) We looked into it and found that it was a bug. The right slingshot's collision was a bit deformed which made the ball drain almost every time. So no, that wasn't the players' fault.

Increasing the multiplier level to 10 still takes a lot of time so you have to be pretty good and not to lose the ball while you do it. I've only changed one thing here: you don't have to shoot the two targets separately to increase the multiplier. I think that's fair.

All in all Wild West Rampage is still a challenging table in my opinion. It's a bit more forgiving, that's all. I welcome you all to try the table with the new settings, tweaks and share your experience!
lokiss88 11 Sep, 2017 @ 10:11am 
Thanks for the reply, im guessing your a busy man at this time, so much appreciated. Im holding to the 5/6 shot repeater on the ball though, this isn't the walking dead where it looks easy (and should be) but realy isn't that because of the lit lanes, the hold on the left orbit, the right being a 20% chance of a center drain, and the middle loop being a 50/50

The shots on rampage are rather easier though, i think im right in saying that the right side lanes and orbit are allways lit, the center is an easy shot, likewise the middle loop, the lanes just flow so well, one of the reasons i love the table. Only the bumpers hold you up, which i think you can negate by hitting centers. In truth i rarely if ever play for combo's

About the right outlane, honestly about 80% of the time i lose it, is because i've missed the orbit, or the center. You guys run the numbers, so im happy to take your word for it, and your still keeping it nasty on the kickbacks. If i had one request on the table, it would be that the first award would be to either be random left or right.

The multiplier just requires a little bit of creative thinking. Like the kickback shots it's difficult to hit them dirrectly, there are a couple of angles that you can bounce up from the near edge of the flipper on to the sling, which heads in there dirrection. You can also exploit the ball save to nab the upper, and it's not imposable to just nail them with the middle flip... i have those days where i can't do it for toffee, and days everytime../

Though im still a little skeptical that you might have changed the dynamic of the table with the combo's, tainting the gem of a table, your right it'll still be a challenge in most aspects.

Thanks again for replying, i appreciate it, but im sure everybody seeing you took the timeout, is feeling the connect you guys have to your work.

I hope the Virtual world catches up soon, Cheers!
Vihar 13 Sep, 2017 @ 1:25pm 
I sadly noticed that Mars is not listed above. I'm currently struggling with the final Pyramid misssion as probably 99% of the players. Is there any chance to make it a bit easier? This table could be one of my favourites but thuis ruins the whole experience. I think I have already lost interest finishing this table :(

As I searched for some tips all over the web everyone keeps saying, even in the official guide that this is rather based on luck then on skills which I can agree now... Very, very sad...
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