Tomb Raider II

Tomb Raider II

No Bulls*** Tomb Raider II 2021 Patching Guide and Fix
Major credit to Carlmundo, who I do not know, nor am affiliated with, I'm basically just taking what he already has and EZ moding it for 2021 with a couple additional fixes for controllers and resolution in the guide, I basically did nothing


Click "Get the latest version" from this Steam guide:
Download and install TR2AF_1.0.exe
Hit Alt + Enter after starting the game to make the game fullscreen (This works with many Windows apps)


"Browse Local Files" if you don't have the folder open already (How to in NOTES). Right click Tomb2.exe, click Properties > Compatibility > Uncheck "Run this program in compatibility mode for:" (Or you won't be able to use a controller)

There ya go, updated for 2021, we're in the future now whoa

Please bump this post if it helps you to keep it relevant for others!



If the program can't find your directory for Tomb Raider, you'll need to manually select it, find it by clicking Library in Steam, right click Tomb Raider II, click "Properties", "Local Files", then "Browse Local Files", your path will be listed at the top of the folder. Find it with TR2AF_1.0.exe.

Browse your local files as described above, click the "gold" folder, then click t2gold.exe.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Freebird; 15. Dez. 2021 um 17:58
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Freebird 3. März 2022 um 21:56 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von SpoofiesRoofies:
Ursprünglich geschrieben von IHRB (P)(R)oland:
after installing the mod, I have a problem when setting user keys bindings.
When I try to set S button to roll, the game crashes every single time:
Microsoft Visual C ++ Runtime Library
Abnormal program termination of Tomb2.exe

I have already played TR1 using similar mod adding Unfinished Business, and there were no such problems there (in case those 2 mods were prepared by same people)

Im having this same issue it is so damn frustrating, why have they made it so damn hard to replay my childhood

I wish I could help more with these issues, my only thought is that there is a conflict with the main mod.

I believe the mod acts in a way that is similar to autohotkey and joy2key, so if you can figure out what button on the keyboard the mod is emulating by referring to the defaults in the controls menu in-game, you can probably run autohotkey or joy2key in the background modifying the individual button that way and have it work without crashing, while leaving the rest of the controller settings alone, it might be worth a shot if you haven't tried it already!

My personal favorite for simplicity is joy2key, but both do have a learning curve

Please let us know if you try this an have any success! (Keep in mind the controller settings should be set to the default settings the mod works with in a way that it doesn't crash before using AHK/J2K as a middle-man)
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Freebird; 3. März 2022 um 21:58
i could not get Joy2key to work or steam controller stuff either i ended up as i have a shorter Keyboard missing the NumPad remapping my button above the Tab Key to the NumPad 0 so i could move my head around and look in game. with the rest of the controls i am just going to play as intended default.

I am playing through every single Tomb Raider Game in order of creation as the Original 3 where my childhood games i want to work through every single one up to present day to see all the awesome Tomb Raider Games i have missed out on over the years.
Does this have the upscaled FMV's?
thanks for post.
Hey so i've used this, but my xbone controller doesn't fully work. only the left analog stick seems to work on the main menu....

is there a way to fix this?

that compatability thing is already unchecked
Zuletzt bearbeitet von bulldog0890; 7. Mai 2022 um 17:49
Corey 10. Mai 2022 um 2:34 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Shadowrend:
Ok but how do I get actual Ultrawide, not the stretched garbage I currently have?
By using TR2Main instead of this Automated Patch. TR2Main has so much more improvements, and every single wide/ultrawide resolutions work out-of-the-box with correct FOV.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Corey; 10. Mai 2022 um 2:38
This is the best fixer for Tomb Raider 2. Unfortunately I still can't take screenshots. With TombATI I can easily take pictures of TR1 and with DGVoodoo I can take pictures of TR3, TR4 and TR5. But my favourite is TR2 and I still can't. Ugh, I tried DGVoodoo there too and nothing...
so this may be a dumb question but is there anyway to permanently delete this patch? It fixed my screen problem but I cannot for the life of me to get my controller to work and I have tried the solutions posted beforehand. I can honestly deal with the broken steam version. I've uninstalled and reinstalled this game numerous times but every time I try to launch it, it asks me "Do you want Tomb.2exe to make changes to this device?" that never popped up before i installed this automated fix. If i can't remove it, will TR2Main override it?
Freebird 12. Juni 2022 um 17:13 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Symbiote_11:
so this may be a dumb question but is there anyway to permanently delete this patch? It fixed my screen problem but I cannot for the life of me to get my controller to work and I have tried the solutions posted beforehand. I can honestly deal with the broken steam version. I've uninstalled and reinstalled this game numerous times but every time I try to launch it, it asks me "Do you want Tomb.2exe to make changes to this device?" that never popped up before i installed this automated fix. If i can't remove it, will TR2Main override it?

No worries! Library > Right-Click Tomb Raider II > Click Properties > Local Files > Verify integrity of local files

It *should* in theory remove the patch, if all else fails, a quick uninstall/reinstall should work, I'll add this to the original post if it works out for you, keep us posted! :)

On a side note, it sounds like you might have either a faulty driver, controller, or you've got the analog button activated if you're using an older controller, you can always try things like plugging it into a different USB port or uninstalling/reinstalling the controller entirely if you haven't already.

Other plugged in controllers can also interfere with it if they're hiding under your desk face-down with the joystick tilted lol, found that one out the hard way. Good luck!
Ursprünglich geschrieben von IHRB (P)(R)oland:
hmmm it actually happenes whenever I press S, weird

Pressing S creates a screenshot in tga format for both Tomb Raider 2 and Gold. Unfortunately for T2Gold creating this screenshot also terminates the game
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