Football Manager 2024

Football Manager 2024

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how to play quickly?
I watch a lot of videos on FM and people can go through multiple seasons so easily. My current save has around a day of playtime but it’s only been about four months in game. There’s like a million things to do each day, how do people play the game so quickly? thanks <3
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Prej 25 Jan @ 8:46am 
You can delegate some duties to your staff. (Staff -> Responsibilities)

The other thing is, if you're watching streamers play, these guys have thousands of hours in the game. They know how to play the game efficiently.

Take your time, learn the ropes. It's not a racing game. :)
Mar 25 Jan @ 11:27am 
Simulate button is quick. in pre-match you can quick sim it. if you download skin with it.
Most of them are just simulating and holidaying ingame, they dont actually do anything apart from set a tactic and choose some players, the leaves the game on holiday modus.
What speed do you watch matches, and what highlight type do you use ? That could be why it's taking a lot longer aswell.
They go on holiday
That's the issue with FM, the devs have never figured out on how to do it like F.A Premier Manager 2002

by default this old game is set to skip 7 days instead of 1.

FM you need to load the database and league even that, the game will still stop every day just because of the email you have received or something on the screen you don't get it why the game wants to show you that
Diposting pertama kali oleh maso:
I watch a lot of videos on FM and people can go through multiple seasons so easily. My current save has around a day of playtime but it’s only been about four months in game. There’s like a million things to do each day, how do people play the game so quickly? thanks <3

I usually have 1 season per week. That feels nice to me. Usually by the next league match in real life, I am wrapping up my season. Works well!

Some people just holiday though games. It's easy to see. When they show their results, you can see sometimes *no subs* made or just 1-2. Most human players ALWAYS make 5 subs, and usually early on in games. That's how you can see that most FM players holiday or use the skins to auto result. Then they show 1-2 matches on stream

Trust me man, 99% of them fake all the reactions and *love* for their teams. lol
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