Fallout 3 - Game of the Year Edition

Fallout 3 - Game of the Year Edition

Amata, quest "Escape"
When I wake up after GOAT I can't interact with Amata. I just cant start dialog with her. Can someone help me with this?
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Bandy 11 Jan @ 4:37am 
If going back to earlier Save files and play foprward doesn't work to free the 'stuck script', the nuclear option (LOL...) is to copy\back up your save files\folder and start a new game right from beginning. This may be a game breaking bug that has other issues as you play forward.

You are really literally at the beginning, so there is no pain here to restart and then resolve it before it can cause other issues. Often bugs get 'baked into' a save file and only reveal later on.
Last edited by Bandy; 11 Jan @ 4:38am
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