Rivals of Aether II

Rivals of Aether II

Gamecube Controller question
Decided to take my new GC controller out of the box and use it but now I don't have a parry button. Not that I used it effectively anyway lol but what do you guys rebind to?
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
left trigger
Lion 7 Feb @ 10:59am 
I use GameCube controller as well. I binded the Parry to X because I only use Y to jump. I don't use the Strong/Smash attack button at all, and use the C-Stick or Tap Strong for those.
Originally posted by Lion:
I use GameCube controller as well. I binded the Parry to X because I only use Y to jump. I don't use the Strong/Smash attack button at all, and use the C-Stick or Tap Strong for those.
I've always used C stick for tilts so thats gonna have to be a no for me. I use left trigger for short hop and even had it binded to jump in ultimate so I can do certain combos so it's just baked in my memory. If I could just bind directional pad to parry I would do it but it just won't let me. I might just have to play on an Xbox controller... this sucks lol
Last edited by SwordSaint; 7 Feb @ 11:08am
ZooL 8 Feb @ 4:11am 
i switched to the retrofighter battlergc pro. it hase the gamecube layout but with an additional left bumper.
EDIT: Editing out 1st part

There's at least one or two default binds that are superfluous on it.

With a Short Hop binded to L and tilts on C-Stick, you could bind Parry in the place of your Strong button and use Tap Strong (flick left stick + Attack).
Last edited by Vic Viper; 8 Feb @ 6:24am
Originally posted by ZooL:
i switched to the retrofighter battlergc pro. it hase the gamecube layout but with an additional left bumper.
The reason we like to use the GCC is because it feels good and is extremely responsive and accurate, i doubt any modern controller can be as accurate as a GCC, i considered buying one of those switch GC controllers but i doubt the sticks will feel as good as genuine t2/t3 GC stickboxes, having an extra bumper would be nice though.
Last edited by Ridley; 15 hours ago
ZooL 10 hours ago 
Originally posted by Ridley:
Originally posted by ZooL:
i switched to the retrofighter battlergc pro. it hase the gamecube layout but with an additional left bumper.
The reason we like to use the GCC is because it feels good and is extremely responsive and accurate, i doubt any modern controller can be as accurate as a GCC, i considered buying one of those switch GC controllers but i doubt the sticks will feel as good as genuine t2/t3 GC stickboxes, having an extra bumper would be nice though.
i have been playing all smash titles on a GC controller since melee. trust me: the battlergc pro is the next step.
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