Steam for Linux

Steam for Linux

I want to stop doing `pkill steam`… how do I stop it from running in the background?
I like to have Steam on my laptop. But it's not welcome to run when I'm not using it. How can I teach Steam to behave like a good roommate and politely run only when asked instead of raiding the fridge when I'm busy in the office? I have ALREADY toggled off the option in the settings "Run Steam when my computer starts" but apparently it does not respect this option.

I see that there are a few systemd files, but I don't really know what to do with them:

Also, of secondary importance, to *really* no longer have to `pkill steam` (though perhaps a tangential topic) I would like Steam to exit when I press the X and no game is playing.

Tips, please? Thanks!
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I don't have steam running when I boot up linux mint 21.3 on my pc and I did double check for any steam processes. A few Questions ...

What distro are you on?
What steam version (native, flatpak, snap, .deb from steam's site) are you running?
Do you shut down the laptop or use suspend/sleep mode?

Clicking the X in the upper right only kills the steam window, the steam process continues until you click Steam on the top menu bar and click Exit.
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