Half-Life 2

Half-Life 2

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why did kleiner waste his time for 20 years?
why did dr kleiner, spend 20 years waiting for Gordon in his lab, has he not ever thought about the possibility that he died in the 7 hour war? why did kleiner assume he was alive?
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Showing 1-4 of 4 comments
findus 13 Sep @ 5:11pm 
the freeman is the messiah and the vortessence knew he would return
Last edited by findus; 13 Sep @ 5:11pm
Kleiner was surprised though when learning Gordon had returned after Gordon was put into stasis at the end of Half-Life. But yeah I gather it was Vortigaunts that tried to keep the resistance's spirits up even if they didn't come out and directly say the Messiah was Gordon to other resistance members who only took up arms being inspired by Gordon's pushback against the HECU and later the former Xen head which freed the Vortigaunts and inspired them to help the Earth in return.
Cat 14 Sep @ 8:05am 
Yeah, Kleiner was in a huge surprise when he saw gordon. Also, pretty sure Eli and the Vorts knew about Freeman since the vorts could enter the g-man's void and Eli knew about the GMAN himself.

So the resistance have their intel of believing that one day Freeman might return. Unfortunately, so did Breen.

Realistically speaking Gordon would not have survived the 7 hour war; however, considering he was considered a messiah and his return was such a big deal, lots of rebels probably thought he survived all these years through fighting.
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