Scribblenauts Unlimited

Scribblenauts Unlimited

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Andrew @ 5TH Cell  [developer] 5 Feb, 2013 @ 10:34am
Crashing on launch? Patch is live
I've pushed the patch out of Beta and onto the main game. Everyone should get it the next time they go to play Scribblenauts! If you are still crashing, please email us at and we'll take a look!

Last edited by Andrew @ 5TH Cell; 25 Feb, 2013 @ 2:26pm
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Showing 1-15 of 136 comments
zack 5 Feb, 2013 @ 10:57am 
well it wont work i right click on Scribblenauts Unlimited and i cant see Properties and its not released for me now
Soüp 6 Feb, 2013 @ 12:33am 
Any word on a fix for missed achievements (achievement syncing on startup maybe?)
Andrew @ 5TH Cell  [developer] 6 Feb, 2013 @ 10:30am 
Unfortunately no. We're still investigating that!
Thank you so much for reducing cpu use! The game runs great now, even with my aging graphics card!
Nemo 7 Feb, 2013 @ 3:10pm 
didn't work
Andrew @ 5TH Cell  [developer] 8 Feb, 2013 @ 2:18pm 
Originally posted by TheGuyWithNoName2:
didn't work

I take it you mean you're still crashing when launching the game?

Try unsubscribing from the Beta, exiting Steam, then restarting Steam and resubbing to the Beta.

We're working with Valve to get it 100% fixed, but that has worked in a few cases.
009099099 8 Feb, 2013 @ 4:43pm 
i got windows 8 and it gives me a weird error.

thank you for working on this
JdMarousi 9 Feb, 2013 @ 3:19pm 
the beta makes in impossible to play i cant read anything... all words are scrathches, so i just want to be able to play regular, what should i get, like a better graphics card or what, if on scribblenauts unlimtied when i start it i can hear but i cant see? i was thinking graphics card but what do i need
ParkerBR 9 Feb, 2013 @ 5:59pm 
Just downloaded today, 2/9/13. 8 year old bought the game with his own money. Windows 7 (64bit), 8 GB ram, I5 processor 3.2 ghz, NVIDIA GT220 vid card (updated drivers) starts fine, plays for about 5-8 minutes and locks the pc up, forcing a hard reboot. 8 year old is quite sad. Any help would be great.

Last edited by ParkerBR; 9 Feb, 2013 @ 5:59pm
Andrew @ 5TH Cell  [developer] 12 Feb, 2013 @ 9:42am 
Originally posted by J-Fitz:
the beta makes in impossible to play i cant read anything... all words are scrathches, so i just want to be able to play regular, what should i get, like a better graphics card or what, if on scribblenauts unlimtied when i start it i can hear but i cant see? i was thinking graphics card but what do i need

Yes, it is most likely an older graphics card that doesn't have up-to-date drivers any more that is causing the text issues.

Originally posted by chrisRad:
Just downloaded today, 2/9/13. 8 year old bought the game with his own money. Windows 7 (64bit), 8 GB ram, I5 processor 3.2 ghz, NVIDIA GT220 vid card (updated drivers) starts fine, plays for about 5-8 minutes and locks the pc up, forcing a hard reboot. 8 year old is quite sad. Any help would be great.


Hey Chris, please send me an email at, and we'll take a look at this. Please include your Steam Name so I know it's you!
JWSpeedWorkz 12 Feb, 2013 @ 9:13pm 
I bought the game 2 Weeks ago for my girlfriend, haven't been able to play it even once. I gave steam support a try to no avail at all. The issue is that on initial start, it tries to update my directx, which I can assure you is fully updated, then it spits out an error for .net framework, which is also fully updated to v4.5. Is there a way around this updater? Or do you have any advice? Steam support basically told me to read their FAQs and such, if they would have opened the screen cap I sent them, they would have saw that it is not a problem directly relating to the game or the manufacturer. Also, I have tried to run the updater manually, getting the same error. Im running Windows 7, and a machine that should EASILY be able to handle this game, as it is a purpose built gaming rig. Any advice is much appreciated!

(PS: Tried the beta too, did not work.)
Andrew @ 5TH Cell  [developer] 13 Feb, 2013 @ 10:20am 
Can you please email me at
Please include a screenshot of the .NET framework error and your DXDiag.txt report. If you need help gathering either of those, let me know!

donald_cheezits 20 Feb, 2013 @ 10:03pm 
Still not working for me either. Bought this game for my son's birthday and we keep getting a crash dump.
Nemo 24 Feb, 2013 @ 8:16am 
I just figured somthin out. my old computer had NO graphics driver. now since i got a windows 7 with GeForce. It works GREAT! even the FPS are super smooth
Erik 25 Feb, 2013 @ 1:02pm 
I do not have that 'Betas' Tab under the game, please somebody heeelp meeee D:
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