Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader

Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader

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Tauntingwolf 29 Dec, 2024 @ 8:13am
What would make me buy a season pass for this game
Adding a ork freebooter pm.
Ork space pirate, it's been known to happen & they'll get my money.
Would require a little more effort to justify them coming aboard your ship but not much. they like loot & they like to fight promise them both & bam. we have a fancy git on the team.

A Ogryn.
For the ogryn, They can fit into any party & need little justification for you to acquire them.

I would want them in act 1 & i'm not picky on the classes for the ogyrn,i would prefer a ork weird boy since pyskers are just better in general & it just adds another layer to the character whilst also adding in a new psyker power. granted it would be just for the ork but i really don't care about the mc for this game, just another bland human.

to make it easier don't even worry about changing appearances when you put on new armor for them, just give us 5 or so different outfits we can earn for them.

I was looking at the season pass to see what's in it & there is nothing of value for me,especially compared to their last games 2nd season pass which had 3 dlcs that bring in loads of new "sub classes"(around 30 but some of them might as well be new classes) while this games season pass only has 2 dlcs which going off the 1st dlc only brings in 2 classes(so assuming next dlc will also do 2 classes so a total of 4 classes) while off of sale pathfinders is cheaper. Yes i'm aware these two different

I'm pretty indifferent to the game atm, i was zoning out trying to get the iron man achievement when i did this one "boss space ship"(big red ship) fight in act 2 & it one turned me. i just went "ah well let's look at the season pass" so here i am, killing time as i wait for my food to cook.
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Showing 1-12 of 12 comments
LeftPaw 29 Dec, 2024 @ 9:22am 
You would buy the session pass for the game coz you love's it, because want to kiss and cuddle it while stroking it fluffy head.
Just get your wallet out and stop messing about.
Last edited by LeftPaw; 29 Dec, 2024 @ 9:25am
Tauntingwolf 29 Dec, 2024 @ 9:47am 
Originally posted by LeftPaw:
You would buy the session pass for the game coz you love's it, because want to kiss and cuddle it while stroking it fluffy head.

If i wasn't 30hrs in i would of returned it since it's doing nothing of interest which i did know coming from pathfinder wotr that it wasn't going to have it's cool factor or the abundance of classes/races to pick from but yeah.

Throw the lads into this game & i'll throw my money right back at them.
LeftPaw 29 Dec, 2024 @ 2:02pm 
Originally posted by Tauntingwolf:
Originally posted by LeftPaw:
You would buy the session pass for the game coz you love's it, because want to kiss and cuddle it while stroking it fluffy head.

If i wasn't 30hrs in i would of returned it since it's doing nothing of interest which i did know coming from pathfinder wotr that it wasn't going to have it's cool factor or the abundance of classes/races to pick from but yeah.

Throw the lads into this game & i'll throw my money right back at them.

Funny that, I never got on with the Pathfinder series, bought them both never played them more than a few hours before I got fed up. But with Rogue trader I am around 300 hours and still loving it. It's been a long, long time since a game pulled me in like this one has.

I can't find any way to relate this to either of the Pathfinder series apart from the developers.
Revan619 29 Dec, 2024 @ 2:30pm 
I want orks to shoot. I don't care for a companion. But if we take aeldari and drukhari then I can't say it is silly by comparison.

Much rather Trezyn possessing a random necron warrior
Azure 29 Dec, 2024 @ 3:46pm 
I don't normally buy season passes, what made me buy this one was it was cheaper than the DLC at the time and will net me another one later on.
spammdc 29 Dec, 2024 @ 4:51pm 
I could see a stand alone/offshoot game with orcs and silly goblins etc but with the structure of the level system right now I just do not see how they would add a second season.
Note that dose not mean they could not do a whole new universe location and charge more for the S2 pass or as I said a stand alone (with possible DLC) for a "yellow and green" focused game.
But that is just my 2 cents
FettiModetti 29 Dec, 2024 @ 7:02pm 
Originally posted by Tauntingwolf:
Originally posted by LeftPaw:
You would buy the session pass for the game coz you love's it, because want to kiss and cuddle it while stroking it fluffy head.

If i wasn't 30hrs in i would of returned it since it's doing nothing of interest which i did know coming from pathfinder wotr that it wasn't going to have it's cool factor or the abundance of classes/races to pick from but yeah.

Throw the lads into this game & i'll throw my money right back at them.

Dedicating over 30 hours of time to something, then saying it's doing nothing of interest doesn't make any sense, unless you have a wealth of free time and that time has little value to you.

This is one of the best 40K games ever, rubbing shoulders with DoW and Space Marine. It does a superb job of bringing to life the universe of 40K and has a ton of variety already in the game now. The enemies/encounters include renegades, chaos cultists, daemons of the 4 major chaos gods, chaos space marines, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Genestealer Cults, and Necrons. Outside of DoW and other strategy games like Battlesector this is a huge variety of enemies to fight.

Not to mention it's a great CRPG in its own right, with plenty of class/build variety and reasons to give the game multiple playthroughs with those and the alignment system between Dogmatic/Iconoclastic/Heretic which all have impacts on the story and interactions.

All that said, the only things we know about Lex Imperialis is that it will be about the Imperial Tithe and the new companion will be an Arbites officer. Void Shadows introduced a new enemy with the Genestealer Cults, so it follows that Lex Imperialis will add a new faction to fight. So a possibility of seeing the Orkz at least a enemies.

Anything else would be wishlisting for a potential Rogue Trader 2, years down the line.
Riblion 29 Dec, 2024 @ 8:06pm 
Besides 2 new archetypes, the dlc adds a new story line, a new companion and npcs and ton of new interactions. Is it not interesting to you as well? Based on the game's structure, you can forget about them adding 30 subclasses. Addition of ogryn/ork is possible but highly unlikely. And they certainly won't be added in the second dlc since we already know that it will add arbitres.
Vathek1 29 Dec, 2024 @ 9:10pm 
If there is ever a third DLC, I can see an Ogryn companion being possible. After all, they've already got the mechanics for large-size companions with Ulfar, one of the secret companions. and, of course the few dozen Word Bearers you turn into ceramite and tainted flesh stew over the course of the game.

An Ork freebooter as a companion seems much less likely, as that would necessitate including the Orks as a faction in game. There are already some in-game models for Ork equipment, and the devs could certainly create character models for various Orks and other Greenskin species. But how exactly would these Orks have ended up in the Koronus Expanse, which is isolated from the rest of the Imperium? And given that Orks generally aren't known for their subtlety or being able to lay low when the odds are stacked against them, well, you see the issue with Orks being present in the game setting.

For one, those Orks would likely make themselves known before long, with all the consequences that entails for themselves (getting wiped out by everyone else in the Expanse, who would outnumber them greatly). That said, there are definitely ways an Ork companion could fit into the narrative, but an Ogryn would require a bit less shoehorning as they're already relatively commonplace in certain roles in the Imperium.
Last edited by Vathek1; 29 Dec, 2024 @ 9:10pm
LeftPaw 29 Dec, 2024 @ 10:45pm 
I had everything apart from the season pass but bought that in the sales as well. Reason was I get the 2nd DLC for £1 cheaper by doing it this way.
Madness or genius I'll leave that up to you.

It's hard for me to find a game that I love these days, so when I do find one I tend to go all out on it. It's my hobby.
Last edited by LeftPaw; 29 Dec, 2024 @ 10:48pm
Ash 30 Dec, 2024 @ 3:17am 
Originally posted by Vathek1:
But how exactly would these Orks have ended up in the Koronus Expanse, which is isolated from the rest of the Imperium? And given that Orks generally aren't known for their subtlety or being able to lay low when the odds are stacked against them, well, you see the issue with Orks being present in the game setting.
Morgaash Kulgraz and Borgum Backstabba have garnered quite some infamy in the Koronus Expanse.

Ork-filled space hulk could pop out in any place in the Galaxy, so it's a small wonder that Orks could appear almost anywhere at random.

Even Jae in one of her dialogues mentions deals with Orks.
Last edited by Ash; 30 Dec, 2024 @ 3:54am
Tauntingwolf 30 Dec, 2024 @ 5:00am 
Originally posted by Riblion:
Besides 2 new archetypes, the dlc adds a new story line, a new companion and npcs and ton of new interactions. Is it not interesting to you as well? Based on the game's structure, you can forget about them adding 30 subclasses. Addition of ogryn/ork is possible but highly unlikely. And they certainly won't be added in the second dlc since we already know that it will add arbitres.

for that bit i was just pointing out the quantity & quality difference between the two season passes since both are owned by owlcat, the price should of taken a dip for this games season pass for what's on offer in comparison.

Yes i would of bought the sp if did offer a ork & ogryn pm, i'm just going to put this game on the back burner until their plans after the 2nd are known, i just picked up chaos gate with it's dlcs so going to give that a go.
"that game doesn't have orks or ogryn pm's"
different theme,they aren't rogue traders that have the freedom to recruit xenos.
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