Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader

Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader

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dedflo 5 Jan, 2024 @ 3:27pm
Got to Uralon fight
Guess I'm down with this game. Seriously, the Word Bearers attack three times per turn each? Doing 140+ points of damage to multiple of my team? Really? At along range? My team is dead before I can even have a turn? What the ♥♥♥♥?
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Showing 1-15 of 27 comments
Mistkold 6 Jan, 2024 @ 4:25am 
U can either lower the difficulty - I know that might not be the best option if u were aiming for an achievement or something, but it at least will let u progress - or check your builds, since when I got to the uralon I literally didn't let him take his turn thanks to my tacticians and argenta
Leeroy 6 Jan, 2024 @ 5:19am 
Ye, just 1-turn the fight with (up to 5) officers with seize the initiative, all giving turns to one arch-militant.
That is, if you have a save before going to the Cathedral, otherwise thats a GG.
Last edited by Leeroy; 6 Jan, 2024 @ 5:24am
Just finally beat him by saving literally every action I got and immediately reloading when things went south. You have to pray for good RNG on the enemie`s turns. Also having Cassia (or more characters) as Grand Strategist can help a lot.
Kaptin Bluddflagg 6 Jan, 2024 @ 11:48am 
yeah argenta with a good bolter or an sniper assassin will kill everything easy
Morgian 6 Jan, 2024 @ 11:55am 
Actually, the fight can be won in 1-2 rounds without 5 officers. The word bearers are not very dangerous when you compare that to what we do to them.

There is a marked difference in this fight from where you enter it. Going down the lift is not a great option, as it deposits you right before their guns. It is much better to come from behind, out of the direction where Ulfar's quest mob is found. From there you see only two wordbearers, one left, one right.
My team on daring had two arch-militants, two officers, Pasqal and Heinrix. I bolted both wordbearers in one go and moved onto the rest. Uralon got into range on turn 2, when he died immediately, since his wordbearer-protection was gone. Between two free turns and Bring it Downs, plus their run-and-gun and Wildfire, soldier-archmilitants can pretty much clear the battlefield.

But you need a debuffer in this fight to speed things along, and real damage dealers, not assassin wannabees :)
Wolf Solheim 6 Jan, 2024 @ 9:50pm 
This fight pissed me off so much I uninstalled the game. Most of the party is dead before you even get a turn. F*** this if there's only 1 or 2 viable build options to be actually able to win this fight.
There's a lot more than one viable build in this game. My cassia can solo uralon, my MC psyker tank rogue trader can solo uralon, my argenta can solo uralon, my pascal can solo uralon if I change his eq to combat focused stuff, my abelard can solo uralon. That's already majority of my lineup who can solo uralon.
Neoz 6 Jan, 2024 @ 10:00pm 
P easy fight, just git gud :steammocking: But for real, if you have a good team, you'll clear it fine.
Mhorge 6 Jan, 2024 @ 10:03pm 
I recently did this fight again (well the entire planet) on normal after knowing what I was going into and I took MC (melee psyker biomancy and pyromancy), Cassia, Ulfair, Abelard and of course Argentia. I buffed Argentia with Voice and the give turn while making use of the frontline zone on the Purifier and the rear on Argentia and managed to kill the Purifier within at least the double turn (in her free turn Argentia Inspired herself and normal burst fired the purifier). On normal difficulty at least Argentia's agility was good enough that she usually has a good turn order (if Agility affects that?) and between her other abilities managed to kill the purifier within the first turn order, although I think maybe the purifier got a shot off.?

I definitely think it's the hardest fight in the game though, even harder than the final boss, and I think Callicgos is the 2nd if it's against Nocturne at the same time.
BlazingScribe 6 Jan, 2024 @ 10:05pm 
I had two officers, myself and Cassia. I found the fight challenging but not unreasonable, and was quickly able to turn the tide in my favor after surviving the initial volleys with the help of Heinrix healing everybody and Pasqal taking out a couple of the marines early. Ulfar's charge bugged out and sent him across the map in the second stage of fight but everyone else managed fine without him. I think my full roster was My officer/tactician (buffs, turns, backup melee and finisher), Pasqal with a plasma gun, Flamer/bolter Argenta, Navigator focused Cassia, biomancy focused heinrix, and Ulfar doing Ulfar things.

That said, I needed to use a bunch of medical supplies removing traumas before hand due to the gauntlet of fights and that one room full of warp clouds. If I hadn't done that, the fight could have been a lot more painful.

The end fight at Act 3 forced a couple restarts out me, and I took more casualties in a fight prior to the act 4 finale that's just a bunch of bolter word bearers. That one was rough.
Last edited by BlazingScribe; 6 Jan, 2024 @ 10:11pm
Klajd 6 Jan, 2024 @ 11:35pm 
Thats the only trully memorable fight to me during the entire game (playing unfair). The only fight I actually took my time and did some preparations (anti-burning stuff, warp dmg protection, etc). Had to reload twice, which means its not that difficult. It was very bloody though, I ended up with 3 of my characters barely standing (very low hp).
This fight comes really late, at the end of chapter 4. At this point players should be familiar withe the game enough to handle it. To me, much more challenging was the prologue, when I was still learning the stuff.
If i had to advice anything, bring antifire coats, I had 2, and give them to your most important/weakest ini characters. I didnt use +AP consumables, just strongest first aid kits and stimulants protecting from fire and warp(magic) dmg. It worked to the degree, some characters died before they were even able to act. Ulfar is extremely useful here, I placed him in melee range against the melee marine. Ulfar got slaughtered, but this opponent used all his actions against him, and dont forget Ulfar has a passive that brings him back later.
What also helps is the fight doesnt start instanlty, you have some limited options to deploy your team.
Last edited by Klajd; 6 Jan, 2024 @ 11:36pm
Azradun 9 Aug, 2024 @ 2:02pm 
Originally posted by Klajd:
This fight comes really late, at the end of chapter 4. At this point players should be familiar withe the game enough to handle it. To me, much more challenging was the prologue, when I was still learning the stuff.

I think you don't understand game development. If I breezed through every fight up to this one with my combination, and in this, I get 50% of my party slaughtered even before turn 1 is finished, then it is plain simple bad design. Owlcat is known for this. Same went for Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, that had the atrocious Tavern Fight at the end of Chapter 1, and one sub boss fight that required specific builds.

Forcing a player to completely respec all builds just for one fight, when 50 others went like a breeze is plain stupid, not the question of "familiar with the game".
aaronmv 9 Sep, 2024 @ 3:15pm 
Can the second entrance be obtained if you don't have Ulfar?
Balekai 9 Sep, 2024 @ 5:06pm 
This is one of those boss fights where it pays off to build your party around layered defences rather than just straight up DPS (you want that too). Regardless of that, you should have an Argenta that can 1 shot burst down 2 Word Bearers at once and even burst down Uralon with 1-2 bursts the same way. Same goes with a Yrliet that can pick off everything with a Finest Hour use.

If you have a squishy team, the fight mechanics once you hit the Daybreak part can easily wear your team down with adds and its shielding mechanic. My team always dodged pretty much all attacks by this point inside my GS zones + Sanctic word abilities. I always keep healing going with Light of the Emperor and no one gets injured due to Strongpoint Stratagems all over the place.

Word Bearers when they actually hit someone (Ulfar in my case), it was usually somewhere in the 20-40 damage range rather than 140ish damage a hit (I forgot to use cautious approach though and it was in another previous fight).

Also debuffing and extra turns helps a lot of course. Here's a Uralon/Dawbreak rundown of my testing fight after finally get back to RT:

Here's my team after spending the initial part of round 1 taking out the trash Word Bearers and others nearby the Ulfar quest Uralon entrance. I turned my sights on debuffing Uralon + Kunrad while setting up their killzone:


Pulling around Kunrad like a toy doll:


Not long after both are eating dirt, still the first round and nothing but Uralon even got a move/shot off by this point:


After killing the rest of the trash. here's me keeping Daybreak debuffed and trying to lock him down while dealing with adds. Got very annoying as usual:


Properly buffed Argenta and the Take Aim ability, which as an ability that can carry you through any boss battle even without its talent upgrade (except it didn't work against Daybreak's scripted shielding unlike other bosses booo!):


A properly debuffed Daybreak + Light of the Emperor shot I took, which keeps my entire team healthy and overhealed with healing crits thrown in:


Then I killed him with Argenta. His 1.7K wounds left were no match lol.

Voidborn Sanctic Psyker Officer Grand Strategist Main Character, Cassia as Navigator focus Grand Strategist, Pascal as Plasma master Grands Strategist, Argenta Heavy Bolter Arch-Militant, Heinrix Warrior/Vanguard, Ulfar for story reasons Arch Militant scrapper using all kinds of attacks. :p
Last edited by Balekai; 9 Sep, 2024 @ 5:20pm
Ultravires 9 Sep, 2024 @ 6:24pm 
You can kill all of the word bearers in one shot with pyro psyker officer build, heck you could kill them all within the first 2 turns. 800 damage fire laser is so op, so is arch militant with boltgun and 2 officers just circle jerking each other with buffs.

Have Abelard or Heinrix (if you haven't dismissed him/or left him in footfall) go in front to soak damage. Do not position your guys in a line or close together as they will aoe burst you on the first opportunity.
Last edited by Ultravires; 9 Sep, 2024 @ 6:27pm
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Date Posted: 5 Jan, 2024 @ 3:27pm
Posts: 27