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SBZ_Elisabeth  [developer] 16 Jun, 2023 @ 3:10am
PSA: Save issues
Hello heisters.

While we're not currently aware of any ongoing issues related to saves, it's still a good idea to make a habit of keeping save backups. As PAYDAY 2 runs locally, we are not able to restore any lost progress if you are to lose your saves, so keep them safe!
If you want help with how to create a manual save backup, check out this Steam guide:

Keep those helmets flying!
Last edited by SBZ_Elisabeth; 30 Aug, 2023 @ 12:53am
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Showing 1-15 of 148 comments
Bl∞d 15 Jun, 2023 @ 10:38pm 
Return to the game recently, but all my progress is missing
Haven't played this game since 2018, recently heard PD3 is coming, so I redownload this game to see how is the game now. But I found my level become lvl 0, and my infamy level return to none, all my 200hrs+ progress is missing, luckily the achievement system seems to be still working, and the masks i used to unlock are still there.
Is that OVK's update made my cloud save broken or something?
Shadow 15 Jun, 2023 @ 11:11pm 
probably ovk error me and several players have the same problem after the update that came out yesterday
Aquainfinty 16 Jun, 2023 @ 1:22am 
All my guns levels money peck decks got reset to nothing.
So when i updated payday 2 i got surprised by the fact an error had occurred and all my stuff was gone. If you want to know my user its Aquainfinty.
there's a guide that teaches about savings and backups
Aquainfinty 16 Jun, 2023 @ 1:46am 
Done that no work
Plyedec 16 Jun, 2023 @ 1:49am 
Progress corrupt.
Upon startup of the game just now, Payday suddenly told me that my progress could not be loaded. I clicked on 'try again.' Then it said 'progress corrupt. Data will now be deleted.' And now my 1900 hours are gone. What the hell?
Plyedec 16 Jun, 2023 @ 2:10am 
Rolled in a backup. Was the heat of the moment. Sorry for the post haha.
Lemushki 16 Jun, 2023 @ 2:18am 
I know a friend with the same prolem and at least one of him with also largee number of hours. He did not back up, but had a laptop where he played 2 months ago. Did not save everything but this happening with thousands of hours (6.8 in his case) could be heartbreaking.

Hope this issue gets fixed before more people get that feeling.

Also I am happy you got your backup :D
Last edited by Lemushki; 16 Jun, 2023 @ 2:18am
TheModinator! 16 Jun, 2023 @ 2:47am 
omg i just had the same thing happen clicked try again and go reset to 0 .
Was 97(X)..... fix it pls
Bl∞d 16 Jun, 2023 @ 4:57am 
My corrupted savedata seems a little bit different, I didn't get any error code and my game not even crashed once, just downloaded the game, launch, and progress is already gone.
Inztnkt 16 Jun, 2023 @ 7:03am 
If I use the save file with all my progress it crashes (because it's corrupted):
"Application has crashed: C++ exception
[string "lib/managers/savefilemanager.lua"]:1532: attempt to index local 'cache' (a nil value)"

Anything else, even following the guide, leads me to start the game from scratch. :gearthumbsdown:

PS: 1400 hours lost by the way :angry_yeti:
Aimó Gustavo 16 Jun, 2023 @ 9:29am 
I can't open the application. can someone help me?
Jet 16 Jun, 2023 @ 10:57am 
I spoke to some people on discord about the save corruption bug and they did say it has something to do with the Social Hub.
Foxassassin 16 Jun, 2023 @ 11:49am 
It seems like it'd be easier to just revert the update than trying to fix the numerous bugs caused by said update.
xavi 16 Jun, 2023 @ 1:34pm 
lost my 4k hours in pd 2 I cant backup my progress again
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