Defender's Quest: Valley of the Forgotten

Defender's Quest: Valley of the Forgotten

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Demimind 29 Sep, 2023 @ 6:05pm
The Key to the Last Level NG+
Numerous times, over the past few years, I have tried to remember how I won the last level on NG+ the first time, because I just could not do it a second time until tonight.

Turns out, what I forgot or maybe didn't even pay attention to the first time is something I either didn't see in the guide or maybe wasn't even in the guide specifically: boosting Asra improves Zelemir's spellcasting!!!!!

All this time, I was boosting my units and watching hopelessly as they couldn't stem the tides, but after re-reading the part where the guide did indeed say to boost Asra a few times, though not really understanding why, I tried it and lo and behold, Zelemir not only zapped the mooks, but also cast a lot of support spells. Lots of frenzy's, even some knockbacks.

Color me forgetful and confused and grateful to finally remember how it worked.
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Uber Conan 29 Sep, 2023 @ 6:28pm 
Thanks for sharing! This will probably come in handy in the future.
madcapbeatitude 3 Oct, 2023 @ 1:42am 
Zelemir is also aggressively helpful if he's not in danger. I usually build my core defense around Azra as if the enemies are going to attack her traditionally. In fact, most of the threats to her come from the farthest entry points, while Zelemir's attackers come from closer to Azra. By setting up as if to defend Azra from Zelemir's attackers, you put a reverse defense in place that will attack Zelemir's attackers as they head AWAY from Azra.

This serves many purposes:
-The enemies attacking Zelemir are an essential source of Psi.
-If you defeat all of Zelemir's enemies, he will have nothing to do so he'll start attacking YOUR enemies, making for a very quiet battlefield.
-With some of your army defending Zelemir, and Zelemir defending you, the few survivors that get past him will be easy work for your defenders.
-As the extra Psi keeps rolling in, you should be able to spare the several hundred you'll need to boost Azra, which will give Zelemir the juice he needs to help you more proactively.

I usually try to position Ketta so she has the boss' position in her range, along with several of the places he might go. Mostly, though, I relocate one slow and powerful melee attacker to give him the business wherever he goes. The knight or dragon both work very well, and on the home stretch I'm liable to have both gang up on him. I try to heal a unit before repositioning them so I'm not wasting huge quantities of Psi. Bakal is very cheap and easy to relocate, and a healthy dragon moves more easily than a wounded one. If most of your units have high boost levels and fixed positions, it should be manageable to let one or two focus on boss duty.
Demimind 3 Oct, 2023 @ 1:37pm 
And now, having replayed the whole game again, I'm once again stuck on 3 of the last levels: Right Hand, The Way Out, and Madness.

The Way Out is now my new least favorite one to keep hacking at. It's always the splitters and worms that give the most trouble.

EDIT: The Way Out: I had to swap some spell points around, max lightning, crystal, dragon fire, and push back, with the remainders in frenzy. Crystal Patch and Chain Lightning books, and more trial and error than I would normally be willing to admit. Hard part is judging when to use lightning at the expense of Psi rewards and keeping those blasted post-bloated-guys worms away.

EDIT: Right Hand: I'll just say that I've been underrating dragons and their devour skill came through when nothing else did.

EDIT: Madness: (It's all coming back to me; it's been years since the last time I even tried these last few super-hard levels, but I am now in the exact same position in my third file that I was in my second file a few days ago, minus needing to max out a few generic members here and there)

Just has to spread everybody out and prioritize maxing mook defense instead of damaging Zelemir too much. This one is basically a big time-consumer, so better hope the game doesn't crash like it always does after too much code calculation and activity.
Last edited by Demimind; 3 Oct, 2023 @ 8:11pm
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