Zeno Clash 2

Zeno Clash 2

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[ACE] cbordeu  [developer] 25 Apr, 2013 @ 6:16am
Ask your questions to the developer here and we'll answer. :)
Hello everybody! Tuesday is almost here, so we're really close to the release of Zeno Clash 2! If you have any questions you'd like to ask, just post them in this thread and we'll answer them directly. A lot has been answered already in other threads - but we're more than happy to tackle any of your doubts here.

Anyways, someone already beat me and posted our recently released gameplay video:


Take a look, because a lot of new features and changes to the original game can be seen in this new video. Oh, and if Thiloc (the "moth asking man") gives you nightmares - don't say I didn't warn you! ;)
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Showing 1-15 of 317 comments
Lockjaw 25 Apr, 2013 @ 8:38am 
In the demo we can see the player come up to random people and attack them. Can other npc come to their rescue and would defeating them impact the rest of the game ?

Also you can "summon" an ally during brawl scenes, if you're playin in co-op mode, does the second player come in play only during those scenes, or can he tag along during exploration sequences too ?

Thanks in advance, really can't wait to play this game.
[ACE] cbordeu  [developer] 25 Apr, 2013 @ 9:42am 
1) NPCs don't come and rescue others (people in Halsteadom aren't so friendly), but it isn't uncommon for other NPCs to get hit by accident and then they do get into the fight.

2) In SP the player has the option of summoning Rimat + another ally (And in this case Rimat is a permanent ally). In Coop Rimat plays as an independent player, and she isn't limited to participate in the battles only. She is free to explore with the other player as well.
Amarantamin 25 Apr, 2013 @ 12:24pm 
I have a few questions! =D

Is character customization available in this game? Alone those lines, will the player have choice of gender (it seems there are two 'main' characters, can we choose to be either one)? Also, will there be clothing options or will armor make a presence?

In regards to the coop, is the second player tied to the first in any way? Like, same area, certain distance, or total freedom? Also, will the second player be jumping in with their own character, or will they be taking over the first player's version of the second character?

Lastly, I really enjoy the martial abilities seen in fist combat. Will weapons have different fighting styles too? Are there a variety of moves for the player to use?
[ACE] abordeu  [developer] 25 Apr, 2013 @ 12:46pm 
1) Character customization: That's not a feature we included in this game. Think of Zeno Clash like any Zelda game. It would be very difficult for the developers at Nintendo to allow players to customize Link's genre and other of his physical characteristics, since the character's features are an important part of the story. Same in Zeno Clash. We're also a small studio, so we preferred to focus on other aspects that were more relevant to the experience.

2) Coop: Coop requires both players to move in between areas together. Total freedom was not technically feasible and also didn't make much sense considering the experience is very story driven. We wanted to make sure that both players didn't miss out on any important sequences. Similar to a Resident Evil game. The second player always plays as Rimat.

3) Weapons: players can use a number of bashing weapons like hammers and clubs. These all work pretty much the same. Firearms have their particular characteristics, though you can attack with them at close range. All weapons are limited in the sense that they break after too many impacts. The bulk of the combat system is in the melee combat that features a wide variety of moves (much more than what you regularly see in other first-person games). If you check out the trailers there's a bunch of different moves and combos being displayed.
Amarantamin 25 Apr, 2013 @ 12:51pm 
Thank you for the prompt response!

I can see how character customization would be less important, and if it helps to enhance the story by not having it I am all for that. I didn't play the first game (maybe I should?), but from what I have read it looks like this game will be very story-focussed. Good storytelling is kind of rare in games lately, so I am very excited about this!

I am also really excited to try out the melee combat. It looks far superior to other games and is something I have longed for, so seeing it here makes this a must-buy title. To be fair, if the melee combat is half as fun as it looks I'll likely never use a gun unless it's absolutely necesary to progress. =D
Animasta 25 Apr, 2013 @ 1:05pm 
The corwids are still in right?

also am mad excited for the game, I took my username from one of the corwid (which is mainly why I want them to come back)
Last edited by Animasta; 25 Apr, 2013 @ 1:06pm
[ACE] cbordeu  [developer] 25 Apr, 2013 @ 3:07pm 
Yes, the corwids are in the game. :)
[ACE] abordeu  [developer] 25 Apr, 2013 @ 3:16pm 
Originally posted by Amarantamin:
I didn't play the first game (maybe I should?),

Of course you should! :)

Remeber that all pre-purchases give you a free copy of the first game, so if you're curious don't miss the opportunity!
Guillaume 25 Apr, 2013 @ 10:47pm 
How does the co-op pairing works? I.e., can we pair up with someone totally at random through steam servers? Also, does it support voice chat through the game itself?

I already pre-ordered the second game and gifted the 1st's copy to a friend. I've had this avatar for over 3 years now. This game charmed me from the minute I saw a trailer of the first one years ago.
blietborne 26 Apr, 2013 @ 3:42am 
same question about multiplayer.^
One of the things i liked about the first one was the realistic fealing of the fighting, will the second still have this feeling or similar? And thank you for all your hard work in bringing us these great games
Last edited by Do you like tacos?; 26 Apr, 2013 @ 4:28am
[ACE] cbordeu  [developer] 26 Apr, 2013 @ 5:40am 
Yes, you can play with someone totally random, but you have to be careful in that this is a campaign mode game, and if you have a big disparity of progress then you (or your friend) might skip a lot of content. About voice chat: I need to wait for the engine programmer to arrive and ask about how it is implemented, but I understand it uses the steam solution but it runs through the game itself.
[ACE] cbordeu  [developer] 26 Apr, 2013 @ 5:42am 
Pyramid: The feeling of combat (in my opinion) has improved greatly. The most basic aspect of fighting (the punching) is less tedious and much more interesting due to 2 things:
a) Collision detection improvements (you can now aim punches).
b) The opportunity of juggling ragdolls.
Jackofalltrades 26 Apr, 2013 @ 8:12am 
is there a chalenge tower like mode in this game cuz it worked realy well for me whenever i wanted to knock poeple out floor by floor

and also will there be some sort of survival mode in the game fighting waves of enemies? that would be awsome!
[ACE] cbordeu  [developer] 26 Apr, 2013 @ 1:07pm 
There is no tower this time. The tower was originally created to compensate for the game's short length. Given the huge investment we've had to do because of making a considerably larger game, we decided to focus all our efforts in the story/campaign mode.

However, nothing says we cannot create new modes as additional content in the future. We've always supported our games way past their release dates. It'll depend on community interest, the success of the title and other factors.
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