Alien: Isolation

Alien: Isolation

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Locker Deaths Hard mode
I don't know if this has been reported yet but the alien more often then not lately on hard mode just walks right up to my locker even if he didn't even see me and if I move from locker to locker and rips it off (doesn't even care about the mini game of holding breathe) and kills me. Now I do find this game very fun but this bs is starting to ruin the game for me. I would understand if I hid in the same locker for an extended period of time but the alien pretty much sees me every time I attempt to hid behind some object that isn't a hiding place. This is very game breaking and I hope it'll get fixed.
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Have you been mostly hiding in lockers? If so, the alien has learnt this about you. I'm not sure if there is a particular time before the alien stops assuming you're in lockers, but I've been experiencing the same problem using vents.
Laatst bewerkt door Bad Whippet; 26 okt 2014 om 2:41
When you "run" to the lockers the Alien is gonna get you everytime it won't matter if you broke its line of sight. But lockers are a death trap anyways its much much better just to hide under a bench or behind a desk it keep out if its line of sight this way you not putting yourself in a dead end like lockers are.
Laatst bewerkt door AussiePatriot; 26 okt 2014 om 3:01
Origineel geplaatst door SOG Decimus:
When you "run" to the lockers the Alien is gonna get you everytime it won't matter if you broke its line of sight. But lockers are a death trap anyways its much much better just to hide under a bench or behind a desk it keep out if its line of sight this way you not putting yourself in a dead end like lockers are.
Yeah no I don't run to lockers, for example I got to some cutscene in the game and then immediately went into the locker cause I heard the alien stopping around outside, right after that it should've been a scene from spaceballs because all he needed was a cane as he strolled right up to my locker and tear it off as the prompt for hold breath pops up. Yes the prompt pooped off when the locker door was already off the hinges.
alien learns what you do thats why you should keep him on his toes, use objects to hide behind them, and as the alien comes just slide along the objects, he moves left you move right behind the object just to break the line of sight because the line of sight is the line of fire (keep your eyes always on the alien) and if he comes even closer well than thank you you move around the object even more!

I used this method and got accomplishment hide run survive and really dismantled the aliens AI
Here I used the table in the rooms which dr Morley visited and more precisely the tables left leg. I was able to EASILY shift angles behind the tables leg by moving either left or right, alien comes closer into the room, thank you I move to the right and close down the line of sight ;)

just give yourself time, hide behind obejct and just slide along, he goes left you go right behind the object, imagine it like dancing, or maybe going in circles, he goes around a object, you go around an object JUST ENOUGH so you break the line of sight ;)
Laatst bewerkt door sunnyday; 26 okt 2014 om 4:10
i never liked this method sunnyday because it gives me that feel that the "perfect organism° is a ♥♥♥♥♥♥.. it has superior senses but cant notice me when im hiding behind a crate when its just right in front of me..
i mean once yo figured out how dumb the alien is when it comes to line of sight the game gets annoyingly easy .. once ive figured out that i lost alot of respect and moved along through sevastopol like nothing can ruin leonardios day

i rly hope they make a hardcore mode with a real superior alien
Laatst bewerkt door insta†.Nefer; 26 okt 2014 om 3:37
hahahahahahahahahahaha Good Man!
Origineel geplaatst door sunnyday:
alien learns what you do thats why you should keep him on his toes, use objects to hide behind them, and as the alien comes just slide along the objects, he moves left you move right behind the object just to break the line of sight because the line of sight is the line of fire (keep your eyes always on the alien) and if he comes even closer well than thank you you move around the object even more!

I used this method and got accomplishment hide run survive and really dismantled the aliens AI
Here I used the table in the rooms which dr Morley visited and more precisely the tables left leg. I was able to EASILY shift angles behind the tables leg by moving either left or right, alien comes closer into the room, thank you I move to the right and close down the line of sight ;)

just give yourself time, hide behind obejct and just slide along, he goes left you go right behind the object, imagine it like dancing, or maybe going in circles, he goes around a object, you go around an object JUST ENOUGH so you break the line of sight ;)
I got to try this, my biggest problem is when there's nothing to hide behind.
Its very simple don't use lockers lol and like Sunnyday said yes its a dance when the Alien moves right you move left to stay out of its line of sight. The developers put the lockers in the game for a reason, which is TO TRICK YOU, thats all the are there for. They are the worst way in the game to avoid the Alien.
Wardog and yes, I also like to have the Xeno on 96 mph. I use my motion tracker and I like having him on 96 (you see that counter going up and down) mph which even gives me more time to ruin xenos party ;) I know that on approximately 19 mph he is on my front porch ;)
Laatst bewerkt door sunnyday; 26 okt 2014 om 5:05
Locker time!!! Np for me. Used lockers cabinets, desks, though it looks there too in Med Centre. Its the motioin tracker that attracts it. Stop using it
Doing my second playthrough right now and I never encountered an issue with lockers. If the Alien saw you from a distance and you hid in a locker after breaking line of sight, he'll usually find you there no matter what you do.

Lockers are only good if the Alien enters the room while doing his random patrol and does not suspect you being there.
Origineel geplaatst door BROOD-SkorpioN:
Doing my second playthrough right now and I never encountered an issue with lockers. If the Alien saw you from a distance and you hid in a locker after breaking line of sight, he'll usually find you there no matter what you do.

Lockers are only good if the Alien enters the room while doing his random patrol and does not suspect you being there.
The alien never saw me, it was a cut scene then he just walked in and pulled off the door to my locker.
Origineel geplaatst door Wardog:
Origineel geplaatst door BROOD-SkorpioN:
Doing my second playthrough right now and I never encountered an issue with lockers. If the Alien saw you from a distance and you hid in a locker after breaking line of sight, he'll usually find you there no matter what you do.

Lockers are only good if the Alien enters the room while doing his random patrol and does not suspect you being there.
The alien never saw me, it was a cut scene then he just walked in and pulled off the door to my locker.
It's probably good to remember what The Creative Assembly said they wanted to achieve with the xenomorph - that it has highly tuned instincts and it WILL sense your presence (so it's not just sight and sound - you can't just hide out and wait because it moves in on you). It's also been rattling around Sevastopol a lot longer than you and likely knows when something smells a little bit odd about a room...
pull [L] to "hold your breathe" when Alien is near Lockers!
In case you didnt notice, going in and out of lockers makes tons of noise, which the alien reacts to instantly.
Also hiding in lockers is the absolute worst thing you can do. You've got no escape routes, and the alien learns very quickly that you use lockers.
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Geplaatst op: 26 okt 2014 om 2:35
Aantal berichten: 18