The Lord of the Rings Online™

The Lord of the Rings Online™

Knoxtane 14 Dec, 2024 @ 7:50pm
Sorry if this has been posted so many times before but what is the issue with performance with this game?

I have a Ryzen 7 5800X
RX 5700 XT
32GBs DDR4 @ 3200MHz

No matter what version of DirectX I use if I'm on High to Ultra I get from 40 - 70 FPS Max. Is there something I need to download or not use?

I'm trying to achieve 120 FPS total.
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Showing 1-10 of 10 comments
NavFamG 14 Dec, 2024 @ 8:28pm 
1 hint: Go into your options and turn off the 3D portraits? I think it's called. It's the option that adds your character and which every NPC you've targeted into the portrait frames on the screen/UI.

Turning it off will add more fps.

As to why: it's a bug that got introduced probably about a year ago now if not more and has never been fixed.
Knoxtane 14 Dec, 2024 @ 8:50pm 
Originally posted by NavFamG:
1 hint: Go into your options and turn off the 3D portraits? I think it's called. It's the option that adds your character and which every NPC you've targeted into the portrait frames on the screen/UI.

Turning it off will add more fps.

As to why: it's a bug that got introduced probably about a year ago now if not more and has never been fixed.

That didn't really do anything. still in the low FPS range.
Everywhere? Even in the Shire and such? Or is it just in areas with notoriously terrible performance like Umbar?
Spotter 14 Dec, 2024 @ 9:49pm 
60 to 70 FPS are Standard levels of 95% of games. Some that I have played, can go as high as 120 FPS.
Darkbolt{AWG} 15 Dec, 2024 @ 11:03pm 
120 fps is useless your eye ONLY see 60 fps so pointless.
Allwynd 16 Dec, 2024 @ 3:56am 
The newer your hardware, the worse the game will run. The game runs best on hardware from 2010. And if you can slap XP, Vista or 7 on top, it will run even better, although I doubt the launcher will support those versions of Windows even if you play outside of Steam.

So deal with it, you can't get it to work better, because your hardware is too new, and the game's archaic engine from 1999 isn't optimized for modern hardware. Also, if you try the Eches of Angmar server, which runs a client from 2008, you will find out that the performance is significantly better, where the conclusion is, the more content they've added to the game, the more the performance has dropped, so as the game continues to get more content, the performance will keep getting worse and worse.

I played LOTRO heavily throughout the whole 2021 and 2022 on a PC with hardware from 2018 and performance wasn't great, but doable, at times, it would show how bad it can get -in certain zone you will get 100 FPS looking in one direction, then you look in another direction, you get 4 FPS. The game would constantly stutter when it loads new assets in front of me, if you rode a horse, it stuttered a lot more as you move faster and force the engine to load/unload constantly.

Then there is the poor server performance where you experience lag all the time, sometimes you get stuck in rubberbanding or latency gets so high if you're in combat, you spend 10-15 seconds with your enemy just staring at each other not being able to do anything, after the first few weeks, you get used to it and it doesn't bother you.

But overall, if you expect to fix your issues with client performance, I'm not joking, you have to find yourself a computer from 2008-2012 and play on it. You can't fix it, the developers can't fix it (and they don't even bother or pretend like they care about it).
Allwynd 16 Dec, 2024 @ 3:58am 
Originally posted by Darkbolt{AWG}:
120 fps is useless your eye ONLY see 60 fps so pointless.
When you have 60 FPS only, your FPS drops can go below 60 and you will see it, if you have 120 FPS and your drops go below 120, but still above 60, you will not see it. It's actually quite a simple concept, I hope you have the capacity to understand it.
I think those VIP classic servers run better because they are 64 bit, aren't they?
MagolFromhell 16 Dec, 2024 @ 9:41am 
Originally posted by 1stMCRB MoskrilleX:
I think those VIP classic servers run better because they are 64 bit, aren't they?
I think ive read that in time all server would migrate to 64bit. No eta though sadly.
Harvain 16 Dec, 2024 @ 11:29am 
Originally posted by 1stMCRB MoskrilleX:
I think those VIP classic servers run better because they are 64 bit, aren't they?
Yes & no.

Yes, because they "are" 64-bit Servers for Angmar & Mordor Legendary Servers.

No, because the SSG LOTRO Team did work to try and make said Servers + 64-bit run as good as possible.

One key factor is that Angmar & Mordor have far less Data as they are still newer servers, etc. which is a key area where the Main Servers suffer performance-wise. Ongoing work is happening to improve this situation.
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