Star Conflict

Star Conflict

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🎀Hara🎀 28 Dec, 2024 @ 5:54am
what would make the game better and bring back players?
what do you think would bring players back into the game? i played in the days before the open space and then took a long, break, mostly because the new ships had to be crafted and it was just way too much work for it.

seems they made the materials grind a lot easier now though, and all i want is easier ways to level up to access the newer star systems in open space.

old open space used to be a lot tougher and enemies were crazy strong i like how they are more balanced now but i miss dynamic stuff like the huge alien ship showing up.
Last edited by 🎀Hara🎀; 28 Dec, 2024 @ 5:54am
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Showing 1-14 of 14 comments
🎀Hara🎀 28 Dec, 2024 @ 6:04am 
one of the best fixes i think the game needs is to change how the pve missions work.

instead of the whole team choosing the mission LVL for the bonuses.

i think players individually need to choose that so that someone that someone that wants to set lvl 50 bonuses isn't stuck dragging around a team of lvl 10 people that get oneshotted while that one player carries them

like a lvl 10 guy fights at lvl 10 and only gets those lvl 10 bonuses

but the lvl 50 guy fights at his level and gets his bonuses without feeling like he is carrying the whole team or ruining their fun.

but the lvl 50 if they want more relaxed gameplay they can lower their levels

and if the lvl 10 wants the bonuses they should be able to set it to the level of the highest player in the team (or even just as high as think they themselves are capable of fighting)
🎀Hara🎀 28 Dec, 2024 @ 6:07am 
for pvp the game needs some kind of tiered matchmaking like war thunder, because some ships are just better than other even when everyone is fighting at the same level, you should still 100% be able to bring a lower tier vehicle into a higher battle if you want that extra challenge though.

and boost the pvp rewards it's weird that they are so low compared to pve and open space make the rewards worth it so teams really need to fight to earn that reward.
🎀Hara🎀 28 Dec, 2024 @ 6:20am 
open space has the most potential though, it definately needs like truck stops? some kind of station in each area where you can swap out ships and modules without needing to dock and go through a loading screen, as well as more quest giver npcs.

combine that with some dynamic events that randomly take place, and maybe even special events.

would be amazing if the sector conflict stuff was done out there where player groups can build a station, (maybe even those truck stops i mentioned) and it gives the group that owns it resources that can be used to craft anything from more defences on their station to ship modules that can be shared to the group members, the group could also get a percentage of income from items bought from the station by players.

then at scheduled times that sector becomes a pvp area where player groups can come in and try to attack the station (could add a special ship class like the dreadnought that acts as a small mobile base/respawn point for the attackers, they could build this up like the station)

open space has a lot of unused potential in it right now.
minimum 28 Dec, 2024 @ 12:32pm 
enthousiastic post but ...

people come and go , some dont like early game because it is too slow , and after they get facerolled because they dont already master the game ... and they come back later ... or not

the game is just no "noobfriendly" , deal with it
Last edited by minimum; 31 Jan @ 12:28pm
Femboi Fennec Fox 29 Dec, 2024 @ 1:49am 
Removing AoE and auto-aim weapons/modules and removing bots from PvP.
tonan3 1 Jan @ 9:15am 
at least make it an average of teh level . so one guy cant set it to level 1 and leave
minimum 1 Jan @ 3:35pm 
Originally posted by S-B312:
Removing AoE and auto-aim weapons/modules and removing bots from PvP.
i agree with auto-aim in pvp
Last edited by minimum; 3 Jan @ 3:38pm
unfortunately they probably are going to just keep releasing new pass ships until the game completely dies and they pull the plug instead of actually improving it, but I do want some major changes as well. I personally think the level system in pve should be completely removed along with seed chips. Sure it will make some people upset that all their grinding for decent chips was wasted time, but it would make the game so much more balanced. Without them they wouldnt need the pve level system at all, pve could have matchmaking based on tiers like the other modes once again, and open space could be properly balanced to accommodate normal ships that you dont have to grind out chips for just so you can survive around the jericho sectors. I also would like to see open space gameplay get some more attention as well. I mainly would love to see more sectors added and some half decent paying jobs and bounties.
fix pve by allowing people to lower their pve boost level and get more rewards. on the launch screen for missions, you could lower your pve level 50% and get 50% more rewards. Or some such balancing to allow high and low level players to play together. Or higher reward for low level ships.
tonan3 29 Jan @ 8:57am 
actually make open space worth playing
anh 1 Feb @ 4:39am 
Originally posted by minimum:
Originally posted by S-B312:
Removing AoE and auto-aim weapons/modules and removing bots from PvP.
i agree with auto-aim in pvp
what is auto aim ?
pvp and pve lvl mission grind is the endgame things;

reduce all pve bonus to 1% additive per lvl instead off an exponentially increasing amount the higher lvl you got;
resulting in thousinds off dmg becomming billions off dmg after the pve buff off high lvls and resulting in just 30+ lvl's difference being 1 person oneshotting the boss dread and the other barely able to kill a basic frigate enemy on the same mission lvl
especially when we are talking a lvl difference from new people under lvl 50 and old monsters at lvl 2800+, which is just hilariously OP to watch, most are 500-1000att though this is still year+ off grind to reach, with boosting dayli much more if not hard carried..

obv it is broken and dumb.

fix destroyers, all modules dying before shield is gone is so dumb,
destroyers sniping small ships with extremely powerfull burst modules meant for "suppression" not instant 1shot killing combo is dumb.
destroyers exploding because you look at them wrong is dumb.
their speed hitting 500+ms is just ridiculess is dumb;

generally there should be clear max speed limits dependent on ship size, only interceptors should reach 800, fighter class 500, frigates 300, destroyers 250 (minus 15% max capable speed for non-combat orientated ships, like support ships, like command ships, engineers, snipers etc.; something like that.
all rebalanced to these new setup, meaning NO a 800ms recon is NOT capable off doing 8k-24k main weapon dps, more than dps orientated destroyers; no matter the situation; it's obviously dumb and broken; classes should function as you espect from their description off class purpose... sigh..

fix the rader invisibility bs; EVERY ship and their mom should NOT have the ability to be invisible, and no ship should actively be invisible or rader invisible permanently while being able to engage in combat.
(remove rader strength lowering which effects ALL enemies, it is broken and impossible to balance functionally; its either useless or op af so remove it as we already got rader invis, invis, and range rader distance to do what this should be doing)

fix command and recon ships, their dmg on top ships are absolutely insane; best ingame and both ships are supposed to have the LOWEST dps and active dmg for obvious reasons....

fix Conquest mode weird bs special mechanic rules.
fix spawn mechanics to prevent snowballing happening so often...

fix the initiated time and cost needed to just get into the game... the first 500 hours can be really painfull if you don't p2w 100€'ish quite fast. 30€'ish if you are budgeting and got people boosting you hard.
Last edited by IIFriggII; 2 Feb @ 12:09pm
Originally posted by anh:
Originally posted by minimum:
i agree with auto-aim in pvp
what is auto aim ?
its weapons that auto track enemies, when locked, within a certain amount off angle, 45 angle per second max.

but when exploited together with movement exploiting on latency and free-aim tapping to exploit rotation stops when doing so, it screws with hit prediction as well ad hitboxing not registrating clear hits;
you essentially become unhittable and you hit with your autohit weapons even though you wouldn't hit anything without bc you are screwing with the latency/ping which result in hitboxing not functioning correctly.

without the use/abuse off these; autohit weapons are not hard to counter and deal with, but with this exploiting bs; thats where you see things like, especially like, yitmores and kins just absolutely rule, being immortal and auto hitting and killing everyone in seconds (doesn't help much their DPS is almost Twice what it should be as well on those two ships; but its the immunity to hit that breaks everything).
Last edited by IIFriggII; 2 Feb @ 12:16pm
Originally posted by 🎀Hara🎀:
one of the best fixes i think the game needs is to change how the pve missions work.

instead of the whole team choosing the mission LVL for the bonuses.

i think players individually need to choose that so that someone that someone that wants to set lvl 50 bonuses isn't stuck dragging around a team of lvl 10 people that get oneshotted while that one player carries them

like a lvl 10 guy fights at lvl 10 and only gets those lvl 10 bonuses

but the lvl 50 guy fights at his level and gets his bonuses without feeling like he is carrying the whole team or ruining their fun.

but the lvl 50 if they want more relaxed gameplay they can lower their levels

and if the lvl 10 wants the bonuses they should be able to set it to the level of the highest player in the team (or even just as high as think they themselves are capable of fighting)
if you lower lvl you screw everyone over.

anyone at 150 att pve lvl is doing pve to get insignia, lvl40+ missions, if you lower this just to lvl 30 bc you want to have more fun, you heavily impact the reward/hours,

40+ is already minimum worth grinding, optimizing the runs it takes you several hours to grind insignia to just get +1 lvl att, assuming you run a 20insignia run in less than 3minutes; not counting loadtime, which will be more than runtime.. sigh.
we run it in 2.2minutes and its like 4+ minutes a run due to loads, wait counters ettc. bs that isn't active play, and even with that it will take a long time to get the 600 insignia needed;
not to mention the afk hours upon hours to get the hundreads off millions off credits needed per +1 upgrade at higher pve lvls... it gets so much worse the higher you get-

and big pve lvl people do 150+ lvl missions in which case choosing lvl 30 or lower literally cut their reward/hour to a third (removing 60% + off their reward and wasting so much offf their time, and they still oneshot everything and you still do nothing so just don't... accept you get some decent insignia when running with high lvls, and be bored afk'ing and dying dumbly... sigh the pve lvl makes pve mission trash; which is sad bc they are very fun when the team is appropriatedly lvled, which literally never happens unless you yourself force it, which is extremely time consuming and unrewarding in grind/hour)
Last edited by IIFriggII; 2 Feb @ 12:25pm
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