Offspring Fling!

Offspring Fling!

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kpulv  [developer] 11 Dec, 2013 @ 2:21pm
Offspring Fling Beta Branch
To access the beta branch, right click on Offspring Fling in Steam, and go to properties. Then go to the BETAS tab and select the Beta branch in the drop down menu. The game should update to the beta branch, and you can launch it again from Steam. If the game doesn't update right away, restart Steam and that should trigger the update.

The beta branch no longer has a password, so you don't have to use a password to reveal it.

Using the beta branch should solve issues with the game running in Windows 8


I'm pushing a new update to Offspring Fling soon that will hopefully fix the controller support to allow for more controllers, as well as d-pad support for the xbox360 controller. I'm also attempting to make achievements work with the Mac version. This should also fix any issues the game had running in Windows 8 and Windows XP.

If you have any feedback or issues, please let me know in *this thread only* or email me at

Thanks! :)
Last edited by kpulv; 23 Nov, 2014 @ 2:51pm
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Showing 1-15 of 29 comments
GlobZOsiris 12 Dec, 2013 @ 3:07am 
1° I use a thrustmaster pad on a XP operating system and now it works. However, I would like to know
• how to disable the automatic detection (without being forced to quit the Offspring Fling beta in steam properties)
• and if it possible to set up controls for gamepad as it we can do it for keyboard in the game (some "unofficial" gamepads switch inputs which are incongruous)

2° In the past years and few weeks, I had to "enableController=0" in the "controller.cfg" file in order to escape from starting game crashes. Now it seems it works with enableController=1 and 0 in controllerStatus.cfg.

Nice work Ninja Master. ^^

PS : I can use a mac (maverick os) to do the tests you want, even if I have already unlocked the 10 achievements.
Last edited by GlobZOsiris; 12 Dec, 2013 @ 7:34am
kpulv  [developer] 12 Dec, 2013 @ 10:20am 
Okay so you want to disable the controller still even though it works? I can re-add support for that. There is a gamepad config in the game that is next to the keyboard set up, or are you talking about something else?

Right now the beta uses the controller regardless if enable controller is set to 0 or 1 in the config since it should no longer crash in any instance.
GlobZOsiris 12 Dec, 2013 @ 10:31am 
With my strange gamepad I always use Joytokey to avoid having square instead of triangle, R3 instead of start and so on. ^^

So yes, if I have the possibility to enable or disable it in the game or game folders, it would be great.

PS : I mainly answered to your initial message to give you a quick feedback about people on XP and using special gamepads. ^^
Last edited by GlobZOsiris; 12 Dec, 2013 @ 10:33am
ballom 16 Dec, 2013 @ 2:05pm 
Me and globzosiris recently experencied sometime abnormal long time when loading replay list.
Maybe it was just coincidence, but as it started when we tried the beta...

About windows 8:
well nothing new, i report there is not any new probleme.
About some issues for running the game? i never got one, so i can't help on it ^^'
Last edited by ballom; 16 Dec, 2013 @ 2:05pm
Tal 22 Dec, 2013 @ 9:55am 
After several months away, I easily beat a few old times with just a few minutes in the beta. D-pad is a must for this game, although I think the better part of it was that I had an easier time with re-jumps. Seemed like there was no input window back then, when did that go in? Jump-pickups are still awkward and wildly unforgiving. I think it could use an input window, too, but I can't tell if it isn't just because my system is under spec (15-20 FPS).

Speaking of, does 'Otter' mean you'll get away from Flash/AIR for future games? And will there ever be a non-Flash version of this one?

Couple other issues:
- Level selection loses focus after use of settings buttons, sticks to level in line with settings
- Left analog stick vertical is inverted in at least the menu (wired XBox 360 pad/WinXP)
- UI could use a pass for controller usability in general
- Maybe non-keyboard button labels when controller is in use?
- 'Start-Start' to back out of levels is pretty non-standard/unintuitive, but might be fine if that screen were at least more clearly labeled

Nice game. I like the level design, look forward to when I can play for rainbow times.
kpulv  [developer] 23 Dec, 2013 @ 7:46pm 
Hey thanks for the feedback!

I can look into see if I broke the jump buffering for jumping again. That was put in before I actually released the game though, so since 1.0.0. Since it's using the frames as timing, if you're running the game at 20fps then you'll have longer real-time to use the jump input buffer.

Yeah, Otter is my C# based engine, and I'm making my next game using that instead of Flash/AIR. I'm considering porting this, but I only have so much time, so it's not a priority at this point.

Very strange about the left analog stick... I'll look into it. I was only able to test myself on two PCs and the analog stick seems to be fine for me on both. HHHMMMMMM
Tal 24 Dec, 2013 @ 12:14am 
Jump buffer should be fine, it's jump+baby pickup that I can't do reliably. I just rainbow'd one that gave me trouble, though, on about my third attempt tonight. Delayed my jump (which I'm sure I tried before), so part of it is I expect to be able to pick them up a little earlier than I'm able. Again, can't tell if that's just a system performance problem.

The "awkward" part is the whole hold left/right -> 'A' -> 'Down'-when-you-want-to-go-up sequence. Simultaneous pickup/jump button input would help part of that issue (system performance again, if it's already that way), but aren't the vast majority of games 'Up' to pick up/'Down' to put down?

To be more clear on the one menu screen, there's a left arrow with 'Esc' above it to go back to 'Level Select' when we press the forward/right arrow/'Start' button, there's an 'R' for 'Replay' which is what the controller left arrow/'Back' button actually does (in game, too, which is good), then there's the right arrow with an 'X' (key) sign for 'Next Level' that we actually push, uh... hell if I know. ALL THE BUTTONS. One of them gets me there.

...That was clear, right?

Understandable on the port, it would be a huge effort for minimal impact towards food on the table/Ferraris in the garage. Just wanted to know where you stood on the possibility. And thanks for dumping Flash. I'm sure I'm not the only one with a dated system that's fed up with the whole "looks like a calculator could run it/requires a supercomputer" thing.
smeno 13 Jan, 2014 @ 5:05am 
Finally. Thanks to the beta my xbox 360 dpad ist working and i could defeat the boss after one year. Maybe I'll go hunting for those goldflowers now.
Kartas 15 Jan, 2014 @ 5:34am 
The beta version works flawlessly on my Win 8.1 + 360 wired pad!
Just one minor thing: I had to correct the joystick setup: up and down were reversed on the default setting.
kpulv  [developer] 17 Jan, 2014 @ 3:24pm 
Thanks for the feedback. I'll look into the up is down down is up thing and push a new build soon that will hopefully fix that.
Kline 17 Jan, 2014 @ 4:51pm 
I just installed the beta version and crashed while trying to go through the tutorial stage. Win 8.1 x64 w/ a wired 360 controller. Any debug info I can provide to assist?
kpulv  [developer] 19 Jan, 2014 @ 4:39pm 
I don't have any logging stuff, but if you let me know when exactly it crashed that'd help a lot.
Kline 19 Jan, 2014 @ 4:41pm 
It crashed immediately as I walked over the doorway (coming from the left; before jumping or anything else). After that I set the app to Win 7 compatibility and it's been ok since.
Last edited by Kline; 19 Jan, 2014 @ 4:42pm
kpulv  [developer] 20 Jan, 2014 @ 12:47pm 
Hmmm okay, I'll look into this, but for now setting compatibility to Windows 7 fixes everything (for some reason.) Thanks!
SylveonLover 25 Jan, 2014 @ 5:49am 
I will participate and send you anything I can found to help :)
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