F.E.A.R.: Extraction Point

F.E.A.R.: Extraction Point

Fps problem for extraction point
I tried extracting the fps fix as usual but i keep getting frame drops no matter what
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Показані коментарі 15 із 5
The fix goes into Steam\steamapps\common\FEAR Ultimate Shooter Edition\FEARXP.
Just fyi, when you get to Perseus Mandate, you'll have to copy the fix into the FEARXP2 folder aswell. This is because the main game and both expansion each have their own exe files so the fix needs to be in all three folders for it to work in each game.
It works, thanks. The ai and their communication is definitely improved.
Ok game is good, i feel like the ai got SLIGHTLY less gud the longer the game plays.
Horror elements is 10 times that of first encounter. spooky.
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Показані коментарі 15 із 5
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