F.E.A.R.: Extraction Point

F.E.A.R.: Extraction Point

Air Bud 17 JUL 2021 a las 3:45 p. m.
What an awful experience
I play a lot of older games on Steam that require certain patches or you need to go into configs to optimize the game manually, but this game is just unbelievably broken. Getting the game to run in widescreen and fixing the fps drops was a little tedious, but nothing I haven't experienced with other games. I get to the part of the game where you enter the subway, at which point the game crashes, so I needed to figure out how to fix that. I was annoyed by it, but I trudged through.
Then I get halfway through the level "The L," where you have to jump out of the water to get onto a platform. However, the jump was not working for me, so I figured I had to do some other valve puzzle, prompting me to run around the level for 30 minutes. Apparently, the jump is nearly impossible unless you do a trick by activating v-sync. I activate v-sync and complete the jump, but now my resolution has reset. Okay...quicksave the game, go back to the cfg where I have to manually reset the resolution, go back to the game and the resolution is still wrong.
I really like this expansion (when it works), but I could've completed it 3 times with the time I spent troubleshooting it, so I'm not continuing just to run into another bug that was never patched. Rant over.
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Mostrando 1-15 de 16 comentarios
Hanzorik 28 JUL 2021 a las 11:38 p. m. 
i did this jump without v-sync but it was hard
Ultra Taco 5 AGO 2021 a las 8:27 p. m. 
I had to skip the entire level because it kept crashing right after that part where the mercs dive through both windows. (near the start of the level after the subway scene)
Air Bud 9 AGO 2021 a las 9:29 a. m. 
Publicado originalmente por Ultra Taco:
I had to skip the entire level because it kept crashing right after that part where the mercs dive through both windows. (near the start of the level after the subway scene)
I’ve never experienced that glitch, so it seems there’s even more, depending on your specific hardware. This is definitely the most broken classic FPS I’ve bought on Steam. I’m aware of Steam’s track record on the matter, but I still can’t believe Extraction Point is being sold in this state.
Air Bud 9 AGO 2021 a las 9:31 a. m. 
Publicado originalmente por Bigeye:
i did this jump without v-sync but it was hard
Yeah it would have to be a near-perfect jump without the v-sync trick, and even after that you’re vulnerable to more bugs that crash your game.
Gullis 9 AGO 2021 a las 1:53 p. m. 
I just did this missions, and have never throughout the game had a singel crash, or issue. Nor did I rememeber ever having issues back then the game launched. I quess the only thing I have done to modify the game is downloading a dinput8.dll file to fix a FPS problem, so maybe that fixed som other issues aswell. other thing I have done is modify the settings file to get a 5120x1440 res, but doubt that did anything else.

I did struggle with the same jump, but I found that simply jumping backwards while in the water did the trick easily.

Publicado originalmente por Bruh_rona:
but I still can’t believe Extraction Point is being sold in this state.

I'm not saying "LALALA IT WORKED FOR ME SO THEREFOR ITS 100% PERFECT" but what is the alternative? screw the people who who can play the game fine? Not like there is gonna be patches for a 2006 game.

Also Just because you happened to have a ♥♥♥♥♥ experience did not mean others did aswell. Same applies to my post of course, But Eh, hard to say when we have no clue as to how many players did have issues, and how many did not.

Última edición por Gullis; 9 AGO 2021 a las 3:13 p. m.
Air Bud 9 AGO 2021 a las 6:36 p. m. 
Publicado originalmente por Gullis:
I just did this missions, and have never throughout the game had a singel crash, or issue. Nor did I rememeber ever having issues back then the game launched. I quess the only thing I have done to modify the game is downloading a dinput8.dll file to fix a FPS problem, so maybe that fixed som other issues aswell. other thing I have done is modify the settings file to get a 5120x1440 res, but doubt that did anything else.

I did struggle with the same jump, but I found that simply jumping backwards while in the water did the trick easily.

Publicado originalmente por Bruh_rona:
but I still can’t believe Extraction Point is being sold in this state.

I'm not saying "LALALA IT WORKED FOR ME SO THEREFOR ITS 100% PERFECT" but what is the alternative? screw the people who who can play the game fine? Not like there is gonna be patches for a 2006 game.

Also Just because you happened to have a ♥♥♥♥♥ experience did not mean others did aswell. Same applies to my post of course, But Eh, hard to say when we have no clue as to how many players did have issues, and how many did not.
Of course, as I mentioned in another reply, it all depends on your hardware. I mostly play older games from Steam on this PC, so I'm used to doing basic troubleshooting, but this game was a whole different beast. I was basically trying to troubleshoot crashes from level to level, and if you check the rest of the Steam discussion board (and other boards), it's not so different for a lot of people. So you and many others could probably run the game fine, but a good chunk of players will never have the full Extraction Point experience.
Taco Bone 1 ABR 2022 a las 10:15 a. m. 
I just swam under the platform and kept jumping and spamming f to grab the ladder.
Darth Haler 2 ABR 2022 a las 5:31 p. m. 
i put all graphics settings to minimum, let the new interval load then saved again after and put my settings back. it seems like its a graphical issue thats causing it to "disconnect from server". hopefully this helps!
Jetstream Sam 28 ABR 2022 a las 11:39 a. m. 
Publicado originalmente por Bruh_Rona:
Publicado originalmente por Ultra Taco:
I had to skip the entire level because it kept crashing right after that part where the mercs dive through both windows. (near the start of the level after the subway scene)
I’ve never experienced that glitch, so it seems there’s even more, depending on your specific hardware. This is definitely the most broken classic FPS I’ve bought on Steam. I’m aware of Steam’s track record on the matter, but I still can’t believe Extraction Point is being sold in this state.

Nothing wrong with Extraction Point. It is being sold in the state it was in back in late 2006 (worked perfectly on older computers), and they didnt optimize it for computers that are being made a decade or more later.
OUTLAWXXX 13 ENE a las 9:46 p. m. 
Damn that was brutal, not sure if turning on vsync really helped cuz I still struggled another 10-15 attempts but I got it.
Última edición por OUTLAWXXX; 13 ENE a las 9:46 p. m.
Ziltoid The Omniscient 17 ENE a las 12:22 a. m. 
Publicado originalmente por Taco Bone:
I just swam under the platform and kept jumping and spamming f to grab the ladder.
You just saved me a headache. You're a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ genius
E1M9 20 ENE a las 1:07 p. m. 
really sad to see the state of these games nowdays, if only we got a free update fixing some of the most common issues, but i guess i'm asking too much work lol.
saurce 20 ENE a las 2:28 p. m. 
Publicado originalmente por E1M9:
really sad to see the state of these games nowdays, if only we got a free update fixing some of the most common issues, but i guess i'm asking too much work lol.
I'm gonna need you to go back to the car you were driving 10 years ago and retrofit the entire thing to match today's emission standards please. No, you will not be compensated.
SheepGravy 22 ENE a las 1:36 p. m. 
So bystander here about to ask a question: Has anyone had a issue with sound dropping when you hit main menu? It plays the initial noises at loading during the two screens. Nothing after that.

I'm going to check Google because for FEAR I had issues with crashing when zoomed in and walking longer then a few seconds but there was a DirectX fix and a .dll later I was all good. And Perisus Mandate runs fine too.

I got good memories of playing FEAR years ago when they all came out with a close buddy and been wanting to run through them again for the fun.
Unseen 28 ENE a las 10:04 a. m. 
Extraction point is probably the greatest shooter expansion ever made.
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