Source SDK

Source SDK

How do I make a Half-Life 2 Mod? (Questions) (help needed)
how do i get Visual Studio 2013? (no shady sites)
Do I need Source SDK bases 2006,2007,2013 SP?
How do I make models and textures?
What tools do I need?

I'm still very new to all of this, and i did receive help from some generous people, But they didn't give me much instruction.

I will appreciate any help and tutorials.
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Lychy 8 Dec @ 2:14pm 
Download Visual Studio 2013 here:
You need Source SDK Base 2013 Singleplayer.

See here for setting up the mod:
You can find modelling and texture help here:
For models, people typically use Blender. For textures, Photoshop is typically used
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