Batman™: Arkham Knight

Batman™: Arkham Knight

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Achievements aren't unlocking
I just got 4 keys for Catwoman and none of the achievements unlocked. I can see they're actual achievements but they didn't unlock when I finished the trials. Kinda pissed after I did the third racing trial and the last lap was hard as ♥♥♥♥. I didn't notice they weren't unlocking.
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Update: Turns out playing with a controller puts you in offline mode???? Only on PC??? And offline mode can't earn achievements.

I played on Steam Deck and it was fine but on Windows if you plug a controller in before you start the game it puts you in offline mode. And if I plug it in after I start the game then 1. Achievements don't retroactively unlock for what you finished 2. I can only use the keyboard and the game ignores my controller inputs. Wow
First time I hear of this. Quite a lot of players use gamepad in these kind of games. Surely someone would've noticed if that was the case.
I played only using xbox controllers and got all achievements in 2015-2017.

BTW how do you determine if the game is in the offline mode? Do you see friends' scores in the menu?

What's your controller?
Origineel geplaatst door MASTAN:
First time I hear of this. Quite a lot of players use gamepad in these kind of games. Surely someone would've noticed if that was the case.
I played only using xbox controllers and got all achievements in 2015-2017.

BTW how do you determine if the game is in the offline mode? Do you see friends' scores in the menu?

What's your controller?
I learned about it from other threads on the forum, other people had the same issue.

It didn't warn me like, warning playing offline when I start. But if I open the AR Leaderboards (left dpad for me) it will say Offline Mode or something and won't list my friends' scores.

I'm using an Xbox Controller wired. If I start the game and then plug the controller in it won't respond to Press A to start and I have to press enter to use mnk. Idk, maybe Steam Input is messing with it; this game predates it.
I don't have Steam Input enabled since this game supports XInput controllers natively. Try disabling it.

I've just tried and both with it enabled and disabled game starts online(I can see leaderboards) when controller is enabled.

I use wireless Xbox One controller connected via Bluetooth. I've also found and tried my old Xbox 360 wired controller and it also works without problem.
Origineel geplaatst door MASTAN:
I don't have Steam Input enabled since this game supports XInput controllers natively. Try disabling it.

I've just tried and both with it enabled and disabled game starts online(I can see leaderboards) when controller is enabled.

I use wireless Xbox One controller connected via Bluetooth. I've also found and tried my old Xbox 360 wired controller and it also works without problem.

Thanks for your help! I ended up disabling Steam Input and unplugging my keyboard when I play because Razer Synapse treats my keyboard as a controller (annoying feature I did not ask for, it's because the keyboard WASD can be used like a joystick). Then it finally worked. I appreciate you!

For anyone in the future with Steam Achievements not unlocking, disable Steam Input and plug your controller in AFTER the game loads. If you have multiple controllers the game will only use/detect your default controller so either unplug the other ones or disable them so Windows only detects one controller. And finally, achievements don't automatically unlock once you're online so you would have to replay the section of the game to get the achievement.
Razer Synapse and that keyboard-controller combo could be the culprit.
I heard some gaming mice can act as a controller in a similar way, it's probably to implement multiple buttons. It can cause strange problems in some games.
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