Super Double Dragon

Super Double Dragon

Visual options?
What kind of visual options are available for this game? I see the screenshots show an 8:7 aspect ratio. Is 4:3 also available? And I imagine you can turn off borders/intrusive on-screen text in the bottom-right?
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Windowed or Fullscreen option ranging from 640x360 to 1920x1080. There is a Standard option (which is 8:7? idk), Standard Full, 4:3, 4:3 Full. It has 4 different borders with the ability to turn them off. Scan Like Type option with 4 levels, which is varying degrees of scanline intensity. On-screen text at the bottom can be turned off.
Odjn Ryu 22 Nov 2023 @ 11:59am 
Thanks! All that sounds good. If they ever decide to add achievements I'll hit that purchase button ;)
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