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WTF is the matchmaking and spawns
On top of the devs creating the most brain dead and IQ deficient matchmaking known to man kind we also have entire teams on 3 second timers spawning right on top of the cashout they are defending, how can a team of people be so useless, games still decent, dont become poor you muppets.
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Showing 1-3 of 3 comments
Seby 30 Jan @ 1:09pm 
as gold playing against fullstack ruby. feels good
Specter 30 Jan @ 5:02pm 
You know, it's already starting to seem to me to some extent that everything that happens with changes in the respawn system / balance, etc., is just some kind of... a test of strength, or something...

No, of course, I understand that since the game is new, and there is still a lot to come, and they need to check all sorts of things so that the game gradually becomes like a "faceted diamond" (at least - I do not think that it is possible to create a perfect game right away, and in a year since the game was released), but ... Damn it... is everything going in the right direction (?)...
Last edited by Specter; 30 Jan @ 5:03pm
aersla 31 Jan @ 1:50pm 
Match making being bad is probably due to player count, but the bad spawns is inexcusable. I thought they fix these spawns...
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