Unboxing the Cryptic Killer

Unboxing the Cryptic Killer

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DarkDoom2016 29 Apr, 2023 @ 8:10pm
game crashing
is anyone else game crashing on them randomly? my wife is playing on my "game" and her game keeps kicking her out in random moments. she is playing as the women cop FYI
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Adrian | Eleven Puzzles  [developer] 29 Apr, 2023 @ 11:29pm 
Hi, can you tell us more?

- What system you're using?
- What do you mean by kicking her out? Does the game crash to desktop or disconnect?
- Can you give some examples when it happens? For example when unlocking locks or turning on a TV?

The more information you can give us, the better chance we'll be able to help!
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